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October 2, 2018

How Health Insurance Failed America

Let consumers buy the kind of insurance coverage they want, not what politicians think they should have, and give insurers the freedom to offer those policies.

October 2, 2018

Jerry Brown, Meet the Constitution

California's effort to regulate the internet ignores the Constitution's Commerce Clause, even though the internet is the very definition of interstate commerce.

October 1, 2018

A Snapshot of the Trump Economy

The economy grew under President Obama, but slowly and sporadically. However, several economic indicators demonstrate that President Trump's embrace of free market principles has noticeably spurred hiring, investment and confidence.

September 25, 2018

GOP Fumbled the Health Care Football, Now Dems Hope to Score

Bizarrely, Democratic legislation that helped them lose the House and later the Senate has become a a focus of their 2018 campaign ads. 

September 18, 2018

Ending U.S. Aid to Palestinians: A Good Start

The U.S. is reevaluating which countries receive U.S. foreign assistance. That's a good move for U.S. taxpayers and a bad move for Palestinians, which take our money even as they rail against us. 

September 11, 2018

Obama Comes Clean on His Support for Government Health Care

He's baaaaack! And Barack Obama is finally owning up to being the government-run health care advocate he claimed he wasn't when Obamacare was awaiting passage.

September 4, 2018

Warning to Rich Liberals: The Socialists Are Coming for You Next

Sen. Bernie Sanders, who has never run a business, is lecturing Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos how to run his. The real issue is that Sanders thinks he and like-minded socialists, not capitalists, should decide how Amazon spends its profits.


August 31, 2018

Driverless Cars Are Driving Safer Roads in Texas

Surveys show that much of the public is concerned about driverless cars; but pilot programs in Texas will hopefully dispel those fears. 

August 28, 2018

Big Coal, RIP

Big coal is dying, despite President Trump's attempts to resuscitate it, and the culprit is not man but ... markets.

August 23, 2018

Why NAFTA 2.0 Must Enhance IP Protection

Policies that support innovation and creativity should be priorities for the U.S. government, especially in trade agreements.

Total Records: 2049