For a Congress in Need of Resuscitation, Email Privacy May Be Just What the Doctor Ordered
For a Congress floundering on health care and in need of proof that its dysfunction is not terminal, fixing our data privacy could be just what the doctor ordered.
The Other Addiction Crisis Facing America: Government Spending
We are facing an addiction crisis in the U.S.; elected officials are hooked on spending your money and we have to help them break the habit.
What 10 Million+ FCC Comments Tells Us
By making policy, instead of simply implementing and enforcing policy, the FCC has usurped the role of Congress, and people are responding accordingly.
Lessons from the Republican Health Care Disaster
Republicans said for years they wanted to repeal Obamacare in the worst way—and they did.
Scheduled Internet Rage Is No Substitute for Sound Policy
A scheduled day of internet rage against a nonexistent threat is no substitute for good policy, especially when the day of hate is based on falsehoods and scaremongering.
'You Dingbats Can't Go Home Until You Do Your Job'
If the GOP leadership were to postpone or cancel the August recess, members of Congress would have time--and a lot more pressure--to accomplish what they promised they'd do.
Whatever Net Neutrality Should Be, Title II Ain't It
Whichever of the many changing definitions of net neutrality you favor, Title II is dangerous overkill, not net neutrality.
A Quick Primer on Internet Taxes for President Trump
The opposition to internet taxes includes a majority of the American people, a majority in Congress, the Constitution, almost all conservative, libertarian and free-market organizations, most consumer groups, and most ecommerce groups.
Deducting Taxes from Taxes
Through the federal tax code, we encourage higher state taxes by allowing the deductibility of state taxes from federal income taxes.
When Public Servants Become 'Public Serpents'
Federal government workers were allowed to unionize 55 years ago. As a result, they have become the most overpaid, overprotected and underpreforming segment of the workforce.