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April 8, 2015

Want Lower Taxes? You Might Want to Move

by Andrew Parker | TaxBytes

If you want lower taxes you have three options...and one might involve a moving truck.

April 7, 2015

The Prescription Drug Act Works Well, and the President Can't Stand It

In Washington, nothing fails like success and nothing succeeds like failure. Just look at how some elected officials defend the worst health care law and criticize the best. 

March 31, 2015

There's a Huge Downside to Obama's Free Community College Proposal

by Andrew Parker | PolicyBytes

President Obama's proposal to make community college tuition free (i.e., taxpayer funded) could have a huge, negative financial impact on four-year colleges and universities.

March 24, 2015

When I Die, Let It Be in Canada--or Mexico, or Better Yet, Israel

The US has the fourth highest estate tax in the world, and Obama would like to expand it. You might try to avoid it by retiring in another country, or by backing a presidential who will eliminate—this time for good.

March 19, 2015

How Tax Uncertainty Harms Economic Growth: Agricultural Investment and Section 179

Frantic end-of-year passage of tax extenders does not encourage investment as intended. In 2014, investment in agricultural equipment was hampered by tax uncertainty over Section 179. Congress must recognize the need for certainty in tax policy by passing temporary measures earlier in the year, and by implementing overall tax reform that results in a simpler, more stable tax system.

March 17, 2015

How About a Bold Plan for Reforming Social Security's Disability Program

If we are going to reform the Social Security disability insurance program, let's be bold and privatize it.

March 12, 2015

Blame Congress, Not TurboTax, for Tax Fraud

Washington has never made fraud prevention a major focus. When fraud arises after its failure to act, the government blames tax preparation software.

March 10, 2015

Obama Does to Student Loans What He Did to Health Care

President Obama is actively trying to get college students hooked on thousands of dollars in taxpayer-funded loans, only to forgive much of that debt later. That's how you create government dependency, not fiscally responsible citizens.

March 3, 2015

As Obama Trolls for More Money to Spend, Republicans Need to Keep the Sequester Caps

As President Obama trolls for ever more spending, it is more important than ever for Republicans to keep the sequester spending caps if they want to control government spending.

February 26, 2015

Let Us Talk of Many (Internet of) Things

Regulating before we even understand if regulations are needed, what ends regulations might serve, what the challenges might be, or even a useful definition of what would be regulated would be foolish at best, and likely to impede innovation.

Total Records: 2048