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Multimedia Listing

September 9, 2022

Why University Endowments Should Be the Primary Source of Student Loans (Audio: Podcast)

IPI Resident Scholar discusses his recent op/ed about how requiring Universities to invest in their students and have “skin in the game” would change the incentives for universities in several positive ways. With IPI President Tom Giovanetti.

September 5, 2022

We're Really Going Back to the Moon? (Audio: Podcast)

IPI Research Fellow Dan Garretson discusses the upcoming first flight of Artemis, NASA’s platform for the future, and why Artemis is really old technology and represents the old defense contractor model of space exploration. With space nerds Dr. Merrill Matthews and Tom Giovanetti.

September 5, 2022

Is Inflation Going Away with Don Luskin (Audio: Podcast)

Don Luskin, Chief Investment Officer of TrendMacro, explains why inflation is already in decline and is going to recede faster than most have expected. With IPI Resident Scholar Dr. Merrill Matthews and IPI President Tom Giovanetti.

August 25, 2022

Government Spending Has Become One Big Fraud-Fest (Audio: Podcast)

IPI Resident Scholar Dr. Merrill Matthews expands on his recent piece for The Hill outlining the enormous sums of money that the federal government itself has acknowledged as improper payments. Hint: It’s close to a trillion dollars! With IPI President Tom Giovanetti.

August 25, 2022

IPI Policy Basics: The Student Loan Problem--Causes and Solutions (Audio: Podcast)

On the occasion of the Biden administration announcing its $500 billion “forgiveness” of student loan debt, IPI President Tom Giovanetti and Resident Scholar Dr. Merrill Matthews discuss the origin and causes of the student loan problem, whether it’s as big of a problem as claimed, why “forgiveness” involves a truckload of moral hazard, and how we would address the problem of skyrocketing college tuition and debt.

August 19, 2022

IPI Policy Basics: Why Fossil Fuels Became our Dominant Source of Energy (Audio: Podcast)

Fossil fuels are naturally energy dense, can be relatively easily transported, and can be stored indefinitely for future use. These three characteristics are why the world’s economy migrated to fossil fuels as soon as they were discovered, and it’s why any transition to renewable energy sources faces these three challenges, because most renewables are not energy dense, cannot be easily transported, and cannot be stored indefinitely for future use. With former CFO of Vine Energy Wayne Stoltenberg, IPI Resident Scholar Dr. Merrill Matthews, and IPI President Tom Giovanetti.

August 19, 2022

The Biden Administration's Confusing and Contradictory Energy Policy (Audio: Podcast)

Is Joe Biden in favor of pipelines? Sometimes yes, sometimes no. Same goes with federal leasing, and with oil and gas production. Wayne Stoltenberg, former CFO of Vine Energy and current Chairman of the Board of IPI, joins IPI President Tom Giovanetti and Resident Scholar Dr. Merrill Matthews to review several areas in which the Biden administration has flip-flopped on fossil fuel policy.

August 12, 2022

IPI Policy Basics: Geoeconomics (Audio: Podcast)

Research Fellow Professor Daniel Ogden talks with IPI President Tom Giovanetti about “geoeconomics,” or how countries pursue their interests not through military or diplomacy, but through economic means.

August 8, 2022

What to Make of the Recent Primaries with Elections Expert John Fund (Audio: Podcast)

Author and National Review columnist John Fund joins IPI to share his evaluation of the results of recent primary elections, and to speculate about not only the upcoming 2022 midterm elections but also about 2024. With IPI Resident Scholar Dr. Merrill Matthews and IPI President Tom Giovanetti.

August 8, 2022

Our Broken Elections with John Fund (Audio: Podcast)

A discussion with author and National Review columnist John Fund about his recent book “Our Broken Elections: How the Left Changed the Way You Vote.” With IPI President Tom Giovanetti and Resident Scholar Dr. Merrill Matthews.

Total Records: 995