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Multimedia Listing

December 19, 2021

Where Are We with the Covid-19 Pandemic? Is It Even Still a Pandemic? (Audio: Podcast)

IPI’s Resident Scholar Dr. Merrill Matthews discusses the current state of the Covid-19 pandemic, the Omicron (and subsequent) variant(s), and why it’s time to start living our lives pretty much like normal again. With IPI President Tom Giovanetti.

December 14, 2021

IPI Policy Basics: Is Antitrust the Right Solution to the Problem? (Audio: Podcast)

IPI Senior Research Fellow Bartlett Cleland talks through the right way to think about antitrust policy. When is a company “too big?” Are there benefits to scale? What’s the consumer welfare standard, and isn’t any alternative to the consumer welfare standard just arbitrary? With IPI President Tom Giovanetti.

December 10, 2021

IPI Policy Basics: Social Media Regulation, Section 230, and the First Amendment (Audio: Podcast)

IPI Senior Research Fellow Bartlett Cleland and IPI President Tom Giovanetti have an extensive conversation explaining the origins of Section 230, and the insurmountable First Amendment problems with states trying to compel social media platforms to host speech they don’t want to host.

December 3, 2021

Conservatives Should Not Be Calling on Government to Deliver Results They Desire

IPI President Tom Giovanetti takes the microphone on the Mark Davis show to discuss the ruling this week by the U.S. District Judge's stating the First Amendment protects social media platforms’ right to moderate content, rejecting the defendants’ argument that such companies are “common carriers.”  Bonus conversation includes the topic of music platforms and whether companies have the right to mandate vaccinations for their employees. 

December 3, 2021

How Wokeness Is Infecting the Medical Profession (Audio: Podcast)

Following up on our recent Zoom policy webinar with Tevi Troy, IPI Resident Scholar Dr. Merrill Matthews talks more about how woke attitudes and policies are a threat to the proper delivery of healthcare services, the accuracy of medical research, and admission to medical schools.

November 11, 2021

Predictions of Inflation Were Not Inflated (Audio: Podcast)

Was inflation simply the result of Covid-19 related disruptions, or by Biden administration policies? Or have Biden administration policies nudged transitory inflation into a long-term political and economic disaster? IPI Resident Scholar Dr. Merrill Matthews guides a discussion about our current inflation concerns, and explains why inflation is the worst tax of all. With IPI President Tom Giovanetti

November 11, 2021

IPI Policy Basics: Why Are Lower Taxes Better than Higher Taxes? (Audio: Podcast)

There are moral, economic, philosophical, and political reasons why lower taxes are better than higher taxes. It’s not just about the greediness of taxpayers. IPI President Tom Giovanetti and Resident Scholar Merrill Matthews discuss lower vs. higher taxes from the perspective of government, the perspective of earners, and the political perspective.

November 4, 2021

Where Did Journalism Go Wrong? Part 2 (Audio: Podcast)

IPI President Tom Giovanetti gets his turn with veteran conservative journalist and columnist Bill Murchison, and they drill down on why journalists have come to see themselves as activists and agents of change, as well as Bill’s thoughts on where journalism is heading

October 28, 2021

Where Did Journalism Go Wrong? (Audio: Podcast)

Journalism has changed dramatically since the 1960s. In this IPI podcast, longtime conservative journalist, editorial writer and syndicated columnist Bill Murchison discusses with IPI Resident Scholar Dr. Merrill Matthews the evolution he's seen in journalism, why that happened, how it has destroyed the profession's credibility, and what might be done to challenge and reverse that decline.

October 21, 2021

Why a Tight Labor Market Is a Bad Thing (Audio: Podcast)

Progressives seem to think a tight labor market is a good thing because it pressures businesses to pay higher wages. But a labor shortage is bad for the economy, because in order to grow, an economy requires an abundant supply of both capital and labor. A tight labor market contributes to slower economic growth, higher prices, lower production, and inflation. With IPI President Tom Giovanetti, Resident Scholar Dr. Merrill Matthews, and Senior Research Fellow Bartlett Cleland.

Total Records: 995