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Multimedia Listing

October 28, 2020

A Textualist Supreme Court...Finally (Audio: Interview)

"For the first time since the late 1800’s the Supreme Court is stocked with judges that take the proper view toward constitutional interpretation,” says IPI President Tom Giovanetti in an interview with 660AM’s Mark Davis.

October 8, 2020

Governor Abbott Defaults to County Judges (Audio: Interview)

IPI President Tom Giovanetti points out "the problem with local control is who is in control." With the majority of urban counties controled by judges wanting to extend the shut down, economic liberty will continue to be denied to a major segment of the business community. 

August 10, 2020

Consistency Checking Executive Orders (Audio: Interview)

In this discussion with 660AM the Answer's Mark Davis, IPI President Tom Giovanetti discusses Executive Orders and the danger of precedent.  

July 29, 2020

A "Broken" Economic Theory (Audio: Interview)

On WINA’s Rob Schilling Show, Dr. Merrill Matthews explains how the blue city riots will be putting the "broken windows" economic theory to the test, and proving, once again, why it is a fallacy.

July 28, 2020

Can the Trump Mojo Do It Again? (Audio: Interview)

In this interview with Michael Berry on Houston’s 740 KTRH, IPI resident scholar Merrill Matthews discusses some of the reasons why the president remains a strong candidate. 

July 16, 2020

Free Speech on Social Platforms: Understanding Section 230 (Audio: Interview)

In this radio interview on the syndicated talk show, Point of View, IPI President Tom Giovanetti unravels the confusion over monitoring speech on private social media platforms. 

May 27, 2020

Cheaper, Safer, Sustainable Space Travel (Audio: Interview)

In a conversation with 660AM Radio Host Mark Davis, IPI President Tom Giovanetti recounts the history and economics of the space program and how the government bureaucracy’s failings created an opportunity for private enterprise to revitalize the program. 

May 21, 2020

Would a COVID-19 Vaccine Alter the Public's Perception and Use of Vaccines? (Audio: Interview)

In a conversation with San Francisco's KGO radio host Chip Franklin, Merrill Matthews discuss current trends in vaccines useage.

May 20, 2020

Social Justice and Mandated Vaccinations (Audio: Interview)

In an interview with WAVA's Don Kroah in Washington DC, IPI's Dr. Merrill Matthews discusses the NY nursing home disaster and the possibility of government mandates of COVID vaccinations. 

May 7, 2020

Rule of Law and Civil Disobedience During a Pandemic (Audio: Interview)

In a spirited conversation with 660AM Radio Host Mark Davis, IPI President Tom Giovanetti explains, even in a pandemic, the rule of law must be applied consistently--despite our personal sympathies.  

Total Records: 995