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Multimedia Listing

October 29, 2019

A Radical Solution to Student Debt and Social Security's Insolvency (Audio: Interview)

In an interview with KMED's Bill Meyer in Medford, Ore., IPI president Tom Giovanetti presents a radical solution to both Social Security’s insolvency and the student debt crisis. 

October 27, 2019

Addressing the Growing Number of Homeless Camps (Audio: Interview)

In an interview with Charlottesville's Rob Schilling on WINA, IPI's Dr. Merrill Matthews discusses the growing number of homeless camps being permitted in cities across the nation, and what actions the Texas governor is taking to restore order. 

October 24, 2019

Policy Goals of the Office of Texas Gov. Greg Abbott (Audio: Interview)

In an interview with Texas Governor Greg Abbott Policy Advisor John Colyandro on Point of View, IPI’s Dr. Merrill Matthews discusses reforms for property taxes and occupational licensing, solving Austin’s homelessness crisis, and Gov. Abbott’s objectives in the next legislative session.

October 23, 2019

Another Sad Story From Canada's Single-Payer Healthcare System (Audio: Interview)

In an interview with American Family Radio, Erin Humiston discusses the fate of ALS patient Sean Tagert who chose suicide after ending his battle against not just his disease but the Canadian healthcare system. 

October 23, 2019

Devastating Stories from Canada's Socialized Healthcare (Audio: Interview)

On Point of View, IPI's Dr. Merrill Matthews and Erin Humiston discuss three stories from Canada disproving Democrats' claims that socialized healthcare is a superior system. 

October 18, 2019

Canada Man Chooses Suicide After Government Denies Him Care (Audio: Interview)

To Chris DeBello of Issues and Ideas Radio, Erin Humiston warns of the fate of terminal patients in single-payer healthcare systems. 

October 17, 2019

Exposing the Plight of Terminal Patients in Single-Payer Healthcare Systems (Audio: Interview)

In an interview with 660 AM The Answer's Mark Davis, Erin Humiston describes the grim reality of socialized medicine for those with terminal diseases or disabilities. 

October 15, 2019

Two Can Play At This: The Never-Ending Impeachment Process (Audio: Interview)

In an interview with WAVA's Don Kroah in Washington DC, IPI's Dr. Merrill Matthews warns that Democrats will regret setting into motion the never-ending impeachment process.

October 9, 2019

NBA & China, Flores vs Sessions (Audio: Interview)

IPI president Tom Giovanetti joins 660 AM - The Answer's Mark Davis Show to discuss the week's headlines, including the disgraceful first reaction from the NBA regarding China/Hong Kong, as well as the continuing wave of congressional Republican retirements.

September 16, 2019

Drone Attacks on Saudi Oilfields and What It Means (Audio: Interview)

In an interview with Brian Estridge on the WBAP Morning News, Dr. Merrill Matthews discusses the drone attacks on the Saudi oilfields, President Trump's response, and what it means for the U.S. 

Total Records: 995