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Multimedia Listing

July 9, 2019

Ron Wyden Wants To Break Medicare Part D (Audio: Interview)

In an interview with WIBA/WISN host Vicki McKenna, IPI's Dr. Merrill Matthews explains why Sen. Ron Wyden's idea to impose back-door price controls on Medicare Part D is bad news for seniors. 

July 1, 2019

Trump and Kim, Antifa, AOC Visits the Border, Democratic Debates (Audio: Interview)

Dr. Merrill Matthews discusses the latest headlines with GCN’s Mike Siegel, including the Portland, Ore. Antifa-led attacks that injured conservative demonstrators, President Trump’s historic meeting with Kim Jong Un, AOC’s visit to the southern border, and a reflection on the Democratic debates and which candidates are pulling away from the herd.

June 28, 2019

The Democratic Debates: Not So Happy Warriors (Audio: Interview)

On Point of View with host Kerby Anderson and Lt. Col. Allen West, IPI’s Dr. Merrill Matthews reflects on the Democratic debates, observing how the Democratic Party is moving farther to the left and also attacking job-creating corporate America as the enemy of the state.  

June 24, 2019

Trump Takes a Big Step Toward a Conservative Health Insurance Vision (Audio: Interview)

Speaking to WAVA’s Don Kroah, IPI’s Dr. Merrill Matthews discusses President Trump’s latest health care initiative, which is giving workers more flexibility for health reimbursement arrangements, which will boost individuals' access to affordable health coverage and spur them to be serious health care shoppers. 

June 21, 2019

Iran Takes Down a U.S. Drone; Now What? (Audio: Interview)

Merrill Matthews joins the WBAP Morning News discussing Iran’s takedown of an American drone, President Trump’s response, and what barriers the president may face regarding retaliation.

June 17, 2019

Tariffs and Middle East Tensions (Audio: Interview)

On WBOB's Ed Dean Show, IPI's Dr. Merrill Matthews discusses the stability of oil prices despite Iranian provocations in the Mideast, and how tariffs are taxes and drive up the cost of goods. 

June 14, 2019

Abbott Uses Emergency Powers to Renew Plumbers Licensing Board (Audio: Interview)

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott has issued an executive order to revive the state plumbers licensing board after the Texas Legislature allowed it to expire under sunset provisions. Tom Giovanetti tells 660 AM - The Answer's Mark Davis Show why the governor's actions are problematic for limited government proponents. 

June 14, 2019

Not Everyone's Pleased with Trump's Climate Modeling Reform (Audio: Interview)

In a live, in-studio discussion with Kerby Anderson on Point of View, IPI's Dr. Merrill Matthews discusses how the Trump administration is changing how the EPA and other agencies approach their predictions driving climate policies.

June 14, 2019

Why There's No Panic at the Pump Amid Mideast Tensions (Audio: Interview)

Dr. Merrill Matthews joins Brian Estridge and Hal Jay on Dallas-Fort Worth's WBAP Morning News to discuss the Gulf of Oman tanker attacks and how the Mideast unrest is having little to no impact on the world's energy markets. 

June 6, 2019

Affordable Alternatives to Obamacare (Audio: Interview)

In an interview with WIBA host Vicki McKenna, IPI’s Dr. Merrill Matthews discusses several solutions for helping people obtain affordable healthcare who don’t qualify for subsidies but otherwise can’t afford Obamacare.  

Total Records: 995