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Multimedia Listing

February 19, 2018

The Coming Public Pension Death Spiral (Audio: Interview)

In an interview with WAAV's Tyler Cralle, Tom Giovanetti discusses what he predicts is the next big fiscal crisis: the collapse of public pensions. Giovanetti describes the underfunded public pension systems as political rackets used to subsidize various crony schemes, and a taxpayer disaster-in-the-making.

February 19, 2018

Broken Budget Promises, Public Pensions & Unraveling Obamacare (Audio: Interview)

In an interview with Mike Siegel, IPI's Dr. Merrill Matthews criticques the recent budget which falls short of Republicans' myriad campaign promises regarding fiscal restraint, as well as the looming public pension funding crisis, and what Congress can do next to further unravel Obamacare's onerous mandates. 

February 16, 2018

EPA Chief Pruitt Calls for Reform of the Renewable Fuel Standard (Audio: Interview)

In an interview with Rob Schilling on WINA, Dr. Merrill Matthews explains the Renewable Fuel Standard, why we have it, and why the EPA chief is calling for it to be reformed.


February 14, 2018

Budget Shows GOP Still Isn't Keeping Its Promises (Audio: Interview)

History is doomed to repeat itself since the release of the recent budget, showing Republicans have not learned their lesson from their long-time spendthrift ways. ”Things are bad in Washington when Democrats can make the case they are the party of fiscal responsibility,” says Merrill Matthews to Washington DC’s WAVA host Don Kroah.

February 14, 2018

The Budget Isn't Pretty (Audio: Interview)

IPI resident scholar Dr. Merrill Matthews joins Sirius XM's Steele and Ungar to discuss the Trump 2019 budget, which is just not pretty.  "Republicans said they were going to run on fiscal responsibility, but it doesn't seem to me they've learned their lesson," said Matthews. 

February 7, 2018

Other Nations Should Pay Their 'Fair Share' To Combat Drug Costs (Audio: Interview)

In a conversation with KMED’s Bill Meyer, Merrill Matthews shares his thoughts on President Trump’s State of the Union address and how the administration is planning to combat rising drug prices-- and it’s not through Democrat-style price controls. 

February 7, 2018

Tackling Drug Prices Through Better Trade Deals (Audio: Interview)

Talking with Mike Siegel, Merrill Matthews discusses President Trump’s State of the Union pledge to bring down the high cost of prescription drugs, which Matthews says can be done through renegotiating bilateral trade deals. 

February 1, 2018

State of the Union, House Intel Memo (Audio: Interview)

In an interview with guest host Paul Gleiser on 660 AM - The Answer's Mark Davis Show, IPI president Tom Giovanetti gives his take on President Trump's first State of the Union address, and the release of the House Intelligence Committee's memo.

January 29, 2018

U.S. Energy Exports Make the World More Free (Audio: Interview)

In an interview with Chris Salcedo, Merrill Matthews discusses the positive impact of the Trump administration's policies on the economy and how U.S. energy exports make the world more free.

January 29, 2018

Democrats Love to Hate Tax Reform (Audio: Interview)

In an interview with WIBA's Vicki McKenna, IPI's Dr. Merrill Matthews discusses the ironic political theater of Democrats continuing to disparage tax reform, even as tax reform continues to boost wages, create jobs, and repatriate tax dollars.  

Total Records: 995