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Multimedia Listing

October 20, 2017

Stifling Free Speech on Campus

IPI Resident Scholar Merrill Matthews and SMU Young Americans for Freedom Chairman and Founder, Grant Wolf discuss current free speech issues on the college campus.

October 18, 2017

Trump Stops Illegal Obamacare Cost-Sharing Reduction Payments (Audio: Interview)

Dr. Merrill Matthews responds to President Trump’s cutting the unconstitutional Obama-era cost-sharing reduction payments, explaining why they were illegal to begin with and how Congress has the power to legally reauthorize them. 

October 17, 2017

Practical Impact of President Trump's Healthcare Executive Order

In an interview with Vicki McKenna, Dr. Merrill Matthews discusses the president’s recent healthcare executive order, explaining its limitations in mitigating the impact of Obamacare on consumers.


October 17, 2017

How Trump's Healthcare Executive Order May Impact You (Audio: Interview)

In an interview with KMED's Bill Meyer, Dr. Merrill Matthews breaks down the president’s recent healthcare executive order, discussing how consumers will be impacted by its changes to Obamacare regarding associations, bridge policies, and more.


October 13, 2017

Matthews Gives His Take on Trump Healthcare Executive Order (Audio: Interview)

In an interview with the WBAP Morning News, Dr. Merrill Matthews discusses President Trump's health care executive order allowing associations to sell health insurance, his decision to stop the unconstitutional Obamcare-subsidy payments, and whether any of this will help lower the cost of insurance for individuals. 

October 11, 2017

Free Speech on Campus, Tax Reform & More (Audio: Interview)

In an interview with 660 AM - The Answer's Mark Davis, Tom Giovanetti discusses free speech on campus and the two keys of the GOP tax reform framework that would mean gangbusters for the economy. The conversation also dives into local control, education reform, and the 2018 midterm elections. 

October 6, 2017

Key Tax Reform Elements That Would Jumpstart Economic Growth (Audio: Interview)

While not all tax cuts stimulate economic growth, the GOP tax reform framework embraces positive elements that would dramatically jumpstart the economy. In an interview with WAVA’s Don Kroah, Giovanetti discusses two key elements of the plan— the lowering of the corporate tax rate and immediate expensing. 

October 5, 2017

Imagine a Simple Postcard For Doing Your Taxes (Audio: Interview)

In an interview with WBAP Morning News host Brian Estridge, IPI’s Dr. Merrill Matthews discusses the House GOP’s proposal for tax reform that stunningly simplifies the tax process for American families and can fit all your information on a single postcard.  

October 2, 2017

GOP Tax Reform Plan Would Mean Gangbusters for the Economy (Audio: Interview)

In an interview with Genesis Communications Network’s Mike Siegel, Tom Giovanetti discusses the framework of the Trump-GOP tax reform proposal. Giovanetti explains how its pro-growth elements of cutting the corporate tax rate, expensing of business capital investments, AMT repeal and repatriation would stimulate economic growth for everyone’s benefit. 

September 29, 2017

U.S. Energy Fares Well Through 2017's Hurricane Season (Audio: Interview)

In an interview with USA Radio Network’s John Clemens, Dr. Merrill Matthews discusses lessons learned for the energy industry in the wake of 2017’s destructive hurricane season, notably how well the U.S. energy industry fared despite the devastating storms. 

Total Records: 995