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Multimedia Listing

September 29, 2017

2017's Hurricane Season Shows Need For More Refineries (Audio: Interview)

An important lesson from Hurricanes Harvey and Irma is how the U.S. needs new refineries in different locations other than the Gulf Coast. In an interview with USA Radio’s John Clemens, IPI’s Dr. Merrill Matthews discusses how the Gulf Coast, devastated by Hurricane Harvey, accounts for about 55 percent of overall U.S. refining capacity. Matthews calls on Washington to remove obstacles for refineries and to encourage constructions. 

September 27, 2017

Unconstitutional Obamacare Subsidies (Audio: Interview)

Merrill Matthews joins WINA’s Rob Schilling to deliver his take on illegal Obamacare subsidies, unconstitutional from the outset. Why are they still there and why can’t we get rid of them? 

September 15, 2017

Low Inflation is a Feature (Audio: Interview)

In an interview with WAVA’s Don Kroah, IPI resident scholar Dr. Merrill Matthews discusses the benefit of inflation on the economy and the perils of the Democrat’s single payer option for health care.

September 14, 2017

Renewed Push for Single-Payer (Audio: Interview)

If Sens. Tammy Baldwin and Bernie Sanders have their way, the U.S. could join the likes of Venezuela and North Korea with a single-payer regime that makes Canada’s healthcare system look conservative by comparison. IPI’s Dr. Merrill Matthews talks with WIBA, WISN host Vicki McKenna about the Left’s push toward “Medicare for all” and what market solutions conservatives are proposing instead.

September 1, 2017

Laws Against Price Gouging Feed Fuel Frenzy (Audio: Interview)

As a panicked wave of fuel demand empties gas tanks, IPI president Tom Giovanetti joins 660 AM - The Answer's Mark Davis to discuss how well-meaning but nonetheless harmful laws against price-gouging amplify chaos in times of emergency and distort basic supply-and-demand. 

September 1, 2017

Trump Tax Reform Pitch Resonates with Workers (Audio: Interview)

Tom Giovanetti discusses with WAVA's Don Kroah how President Trump has pulled off a feat no other president has accomplished since Ronald Reagan: successfully connecting business tax reform to personal economic opportunity in the minds of workers. 

August 30, 2017

Harvey, Environmentalist Movement, and Single-Payer Healthcare (Audio: Interview)

In an interview with Genesis Communications Network's Mike Siegel, IPI resident scholar Dr. Merrill Matthews discusses the latest on Hurricane Harvey's impact on Texas, challenges facing the environmentalist movement, and also the imminent threat of a single-payer healthcare system taking effect as Obamacare implodes. 

August 29, 2017

With ACA Left In Place, Single-Payer Reality Becomes Imminent Danger (Audio: Interview)

As Obamacare quickly spirals downward and lawmakers do nothing, Dr. Merrill Matthews discusses the real danger of a single-payer healthcare system becoming a reality. 

August 29, 2017

Single-Payer Reality A Very Real Threat (Audio: Interview)

IPI's Dr. Merrill Matthews talks with Wisconsin talk host Vicki McKenna on WIBA how a single-payer healthcare system is a very real threat of becoming a reality in the U.S. 

August 24, 2017

Trump Reducing Foreign Aid Money (Audio: Interview)

Dr. Merrill Matthews joins WAVA host Don Kroah to discuss the Trump administration's tapping the brakes on some foreign aid disbursements. 

Total Records: 995