Tom Giovanetti is president of the Institute for Policy Innovation (IPI), a conservative, free-market public policy research organization based in Dallas, Texas.
In addition to his administrative duties, Tom writes for IPI and for leading publications on a variety of policy topics including taxes and economic growth, self-government and the Founders' design, civil liberties and constitutional protections, judicial supremacy, intellectual property, Social Security personal accounts, technology and Internet policy, and out-of-control government spending. In addition to being regularly published in major outlets including the Wall Street Journal, Washington Times, FoxNews.com and The Dallas Morning News, Tom has a regular column in the Fort Worth Star-Telegram. Tom frequently appears in the media and is a fill-in host for the Mark Davis Show in the Dallas-Fort Worth market.
Tom's passion is encouraging conservative voters and organizations to remain skeptical of Big Government, maintain faith in markets, and defend individual liberty as the best means of achieving human flourishing. His most recent work has focused on free-market solutions to the student debt issue, preserving freedom of speech online, and persuading state legislatures to override local and municipal policies that restrict economic liberty.
Mr. Giovanetti has represented IPI at many national and international organizations, including the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), the Internet Governance Forum (IGF) the World Health Organization (WHO) and represented IPI during trade agreement negotiations on the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP).
Mr. Giovanetti is a popular speaker and writer, and also testifies before state and federal legislative committees on a variety of topics.
Follow Tom on Twitter at @tgiovanetti
The Role of Government During a Pandemic (Audio: Interview)
In a conversation with 660AM Radio Host Mark Davis, IPI President Tom Giovanett discusses the governors' back to work orders, reminding us the Founding Fathers designed the scope of government to keep us "free", not keep us "safe."
Human Connectivity and Its Impact on the Economy (Audio: Interview)
IPI president Tom Giovanetti joins 660 AM - The Answer's Mark Davis Show to discuss human connectivity and the economic impact of the pandemic.
Hot Topics of the Week: Impeachment Proceedings and Coronavirus Containment (Audio Interview)
IPI president Tom Giovanetti joins 660 AM - The Answer's Mark Davis Show to discuss the week's headlines, including the ongoing impeachment trial and the Coronavirus containment.
Foreign Affairs Policy, Presidential Powers, and Space Exploration 2020 (Audio: Interview)
IPI president Tom Giovanetti joins 660 AM - The Answer's Mark Davis Show to discuss the week's headlines, including Iran diplomatic policy and innovative technology in the future of space exploration.
A Radical Solution to Student Debt and Social Security's Insolvency (Audio: Interview)
In an interview with KMED's Bill Meyer in Medford, Ore., IPI president Tom Giovanetti presents a radical solution to both Social Security’s insolvency and the student debt crisis.
NBA & China, Flores vs Sessions (Audio: Interview)
IPI president Tom Giovanetti joins 660 AM - The Answer's Mark Davis Show to discuss the week's headlines, including the disgraceful first reaction from the NBA regarding China/Hong Kong, as well as the continuing wave of congressional Republican retirements.
Trump Administration's Vision to Reclaim America's Leadership in Space (Audio: Interview)
In an interview with Michigan statewide radio host Steve Gruber, Tom Giovanetti discusses IPI's upcoming Sumners Distinguished Lecture Series featuring NASA Administrator Jim Bridenstine and the agency's mission to reclaim America's leadership in space.
It's Time for Free Americans to Secure Ourselves From Deranged Gunmen (Audio: Interview)
In an interview with Chris Salcedo on Houston's KSEV, DFW's WBAP, and Newsmax TV, IPI president Tom Giovanetti says while no new laws are needed to confront the problem of mass shootings, it is time for a free America to self-organize and secure public and private spaces against the deranged.
Economic Check-up, NASA Chief Comes to Dallas (Audio: Interview)
In a conversation with 660 AM - The Answer's Mark Davis, IPI president Tom Giovanetti addresses the health of the Trump economy, keys to spurring further economic growth, and IPI's upcoming Dallas event featuring NASA Administrator Jim Bridenstine.
SECURE Act Prevents IRAs From Being Passed On (Audio: Interview)
The SECURE Act, which has passed the House and is expected to sail through the Senate, contains a harmful financing mechanism that will prevent IRAs from being passed on to the next generation. In an interview with KMED’s Bill Meyer in Medford, Oregon, IPI’s Tom Giovanetti says the legislation helps the government fund its debt at the expense of your children by forcing beneficiaries to empty all inherited IRAs within 10 years.
Abbott Uses Emergency Powers to Renew Plumbers Licensing Board (Audio: Interview)
Texas Gov. Greg Abbott has issued an executive order to revive the state plumbers licensing board after the Texas Legislature allowed it to expire under sunset provisions. Tom Giovanetti tells 660 AM - The Answer's Mark Davis Show why the governor's actions are problematic for limited government proponents.
Trump's Mexican Tariffs (Audio: Interview)
Guest hosting 660 AM – The Answer’s Mark Davis Show, IPI board member Wade Emmert interviews IPI president Tom Giovanetti on President Trump’s threats to levy tariffs on Mexican imports over the state of the border.
Texas Tax Swap (Audio: Interview)
IPI president Tom Giovanetti joined 660 AM – The Answer’s Mark Davis discussing the Texas GOP leadership’s push for a sales tax increase to offset a property tax reduction.
Remembering Missy Shorey, Crony Capitalism in Austin, & Joe Biden (Audio: Interview)
IPI president Tom Giovanetti joins Mark Davis on 660 AM - The Answer to discuss the legacy of Dallas GOP Chairwoman Missy Shorey, legislation in Austin that would block new competitiors from entering the state's electric utility market, and Joe Biden's splash into the 2020 race for the White House.
Hot Topic: Eminent Domain (Audio: Interview)
There are valid private-sector uses of eminent domain, says Tom Giovanetti on 660 AM - The Answer's Mark Davis Show. In this interview, Tom clarifies some wayward and often problematic thinking regarding eminent domain, a difficult subject matter, but one that is guaranteed by the Constitution as long as two key conditions are met.