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Merrill Matthews

Resident Scholar

Merrill Matthews, Ph.D., is a resident scholar with the Institute for Policy Innovation, a research-based, public policy “think tank.” He is a health policy expert and opinion contributor at The Hill. He also serves on the Texas Advisory Committee of the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights.

Dr. Matthews is a past president of the Health Economics Roundtable for the National Association for Business Economics, the largest trade association of business economists. Dr. Matthews also served for 10 years as the medical ethicist for the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center’s Institutional Review Board for Human Experimentation, co-author of On the Edge: America Faces the Entitlements Cliff, and has contributed chapters to several books, including Physician Assisted SuicideExpanding the Debate and The 21st Century Health Care Leader and Stop Paying the Crooks (on Medicare fraud).  

He has been published in numerous journals and newspapers, including The Wall Street Journal, Investor’s Business Daily, Barron’s, USA Today, Forbes magazine and the Washington Times.  He was an award-winning political analyst for the USA Radio Network. 

Dr. Matthews received his Ph.D. in Humanities from the University of Texas at Dallas.

August 29, 2017

With ACA Left In Place, Single-Payer Reality Becomes Imminent Danger (Audio: Interview)

As Obamacare quickly spirals downward and lawmakers do nothing, Dr. Merrill Matthews discusses the real danger of a single-payer healthcare system becoming a reality. 

August 29, 2017

Single-Payer Reality A Very Real Threat (Audio: Interview)

IPI's Dr. Merrill Matthews talks with Wisconsin talk host Vicki McKenna on WIBA how a single-payer healthcare system is a very real threat of becoming a reality in the U.S. 

August 24, 2017

Trump Reducing Foreign Aid Money (Audio: Interview)

Dr. Merrill Matthews joins WAVA host Don Kroah to discuss the Trump administration's tapping the brakes on some foreign aid disbursements. 

August 16, 2017

Should Republicans Bail Out Obamacare? (Audio: Interview)

In an interview with WAVA’s Don Kroah, IPI resident scholar Dr. Merrill Matthews discusses the ethical and political dilemma facing Republicans: whether or not to bail out failing, imploding Obamacare. 

August 10, 2017

Rolling Back Title II, Repealing Obamacare Taxes, Fake Science & More (Audio: Interview)

In an interview with Mike Siegel, IPI’s Dr. Merrill Matthews discusses how the Trump administration can alleviate some of Obamacare’s onerous regulations and taxes, the FCC rolling back Obama-era Title II rules on the internet, the demise of the myRA scam, and more. 

August 6, 2017

Numbers: Government Spending, the Budget and Obamacare's Losses (Audio: Interview)

In an interview with “America, Can We Talk” host Debbie Georgatos, IPI’s Dr. Merrill Matthews discusses the budget, the approaching debt ceiling, how Republicans are not immune to the problem of excessive government spending, and whether Congress ought to bail out Obamacare.  

August 1, 2017

Next Steps for Trump Administration After Lawmakers Fumble on Healthcare Reform (Audio: Interview)

In the wake of the latest failed healthcare reform effort, Dr. Merrill Matthews joins Vicki McKenna to discuss what's next and how the Trump administration can continue to dismantle aspects of Obamacare to lift burdensome regulations and promote consumer choice in the health insurance marketplace. 

July 26, 2017

Obamacare Repeal in the Senate: One Hurdle Down, But More to Go (Audio: Interview)

Dr. Merrill Matthews joins the Ed Dean Show and explains Tuesday’s Senate procedural vote on repealing Obamacare, and what happens next. However, Matthews warns it still is yet to be seen whether the GOP can achieve a skinny repeal. 

July 26, 2017

Next Steps for Repealing Obamacare in the Senate (Audio: Interview)

The Cruz-Lee provision in the Senate health care bill could allow people to return to the policies they once had—and many desperately wanted to keep—before Obamacare effectively outlawed them.

July 21, 2017

Does the Senate Have the Votes for a Simple Repeal Before August Recess? (Audio: Interview)

In Point of View’s Friday roundtable discussion of this week’s events in Washington, Dr. Merrill Matthews discusses the recent failure of the Republican effort to repeal and replace Obamacare, the lessons lawmakers should learn from their many missteps, and whether the Senate can simply repeal Obamacare before the August recess. 

July 21, 2017

Biggest Takeaway From the GOP Healthcare Failure (Audio: Interview)

"When you have a mandate with momentum—you act on it." So says Dr. Merrill Matthews in this interview with Don Kroah of WAVA, Washington DC.

July 14, 2017

Trumpcare 3.0 (Audio: Interview)

IPI’s Dr. Merrill Matthews discusses the Senate’s latest version of their effort to repeal and replace Obamacare on KMED's Bill Meyer Show, and whether a new amendment from Sens. Ted Cruz and Mike Lee can help the bill break the stalemate. 

July 13, 2017

Cruz Gambles on Health Care in the Senate (Audio: Interview)

IPI's Dr. Merrill Matthews discusses on 660 AM - The Answer's Mark Davis Show how Sen. Ted Cruz's amendment to the Senate healthcare reform bill and how it may be the solution to the health care stalemate.

June 26, 2017

Democrats Hold Tight to ACA As Individual Markets Continue to Collapse (Audio: Interview)

Obamacare now includes elements Democrats habitually denounced, including high deductibles, exploding premiums, and skinny provider networks. And as Anthem Blue Cross announces it is leaving most of the Obamacare exchanges in Wisconsin and Indiana, Matthews tells WAVA's Don Kroah that Obamacare is a political and health care disaster that's disrupted or eliminated the good health insurance options that millions of Americans enjoyed. 

June 23, 2017

Senate Health Care Bill Fails to Stop Collapse of Individual Health Insurance Market (Audio: Interview)

In an interview with WBAP's Morning News, IPI's Dr. Merrill Matthews gives mixed reviews regarding the Senate Republicans' health care bill. 

Total Records: 704