  • Freedom
  • Innovation
  • Growth


January 15, 2014

Health Insurance Companies: The New Public Utility (Audio: Interview)

Where is the line drawn between offering a “honey pot” to insurers suffering from expensive high-risk pools versus bailing out companies with bad business models using funds from successful ones? 

January 10, 2014

Lift the Crude Oil Export Ban, Jumpstart the Economy (Audio: Podcast)

Matthews and Giovanetti discuss the tremendous economic benefits to lifting the archaic ban. 

January 3, 2014

Grand Bargain or Grand Boondoggle? (Audio: Podcast)

IPI's Tom Giovanetti and Merrill Matthews discuss how raising the federal minimum wage harms the very people it's designed to help.

December 20, 2013

Effort to Reduce Income Inequality Helped or Harmed by Big Box Stores? (Audio: Interview)

What’s the impact of wage standards and workers’ benefits to taxpayers in relation to large employers, including Wal-Mart and Costco? Merrill Matthews on the Jan Mickelson Show, heard on WHO-AM in Des Moines.

November 15, 2013

Has Rule of Law Been Trumped by Rule of Expediency? (Audio: Podcast)

Do government agencies or even the president have the legal authority to ignore federal law? Has rule of law been abandoned for the rule of political expediency? IPI's Giovanetti and Matthews discuss recent government regulations which have been ignored after being found to be impossible to meet, including ObamaCare's health insurance mandate as well as a similar biofuel mandate issued by the EPA.

October 22, 2013

2013 Communications Summit: Spectrum Auctions--Progress and Pitfalls

by Bret Swanson, Ari Meltzer, Charla Rath, John Hane, Tom Giovanetti

Panel participants, representing broadcasters and telepnhone companies, explain how the upcoming FCC spectrum incentive auction is expected to be the world’s most complex spectrum sale.

August 20, 2013

Abbott Wrong On Airline Merger (Audio: Interview)

IPI president Tom Giovanetti discusses with 660 AM The Answer's Mark Davis why Attorney General and Texas gubernatorial hopeful Greg Abbott is sounding less like a free market conservative and more like an elitist Government Class liberal by interfering with the AA-US Air merger.

May 2, 2013

Working to Restore American Liberty

Candid policy discussion with IPI expert, Merrill Matthews and IPI president, Tom Giovanetti at the 25th Anniversary Celebration: A New Frontier for Liberty.

May 2, 2013

IPI: Pushing Back Against Big Government and the Government Class

IPI President Tom Giovanetti's Address at the 25th Anniversary Celebration: A New Frontier for Liberty.


May 2, 2013

The Best Ideas Produce the Best Country

Short promotional video that explains the focus of IPI.

Total Records: 111