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Tax Reform

May 15, 2014

Which States Are Succeeding in Courting Businesses and Creating Jobs?

States are competing for jobs, so who's winning? Merrill Matthews joins the nationally syndicated Jason Lewis Show to discuss. 

May 13, 2014

American Capital Is Fleeing to Greener Pastures (Audio: Interview)

American jobs and capital are fleeing, while Washington does nothing. 

April 30, 2014

Recipe for success: Lower taxes, fewer regulations, sane legislature (Audio: Interview)

The business-friendly environment of Texas and other states is drawing in major companies from high-tax, high-regulatory blue states, such as California. 

April 29, 2014

Four Reasons Toyota's Ditching California (Audio: Interview)

California shouldn't bite the hand that feeds it. Four reasons Toyota may be leaving the "not-so-Golden-anymore" State for the Lone Star State. 

April 29, 2014

Jobs, Jobs, Jobs (Audio: Interview)

Thanks to Toyota's move to Texas and the energy boom, there are jobs being created, despite President Obama's best efforts. 

April 15, 2014

Tax Day 2014 (Audio: Interview)

Fair tax, flat tax, margins tax, gas tax, toll taxes…  IPI president Tom Giovanetti covers it all as he joins KSKY’s Mark Davis on Tax Day 2014 on 660 AM The Answer. Plus, you may be shocked to hear which taxes Tom says may not be so bad.

April 9, 2014

Tax Code for a Modern Economy: Part Two

by Tom Giovanetti, Bartlett D. Cleland, Dorothy Coleman, Caroline Schellhas, Miguel Martinez, James Pinkerton

Tax Code for a Modern Economy featured a panel of experts representing several industries who discussed the need to design a tax code from the ground up—one that is investment friendly with greater simplicity and which will stimulate economic growth going forward into the 21st century.

April 9, 2014

Tax Code for a Modern Economy: Part One

by Tom Giovanetti, Bartlett D. Cleland, Dorothy Coleman, Caroline Schellhas, James Pinkerton, Miguel Martinez^ Jr.

Tax Code for a Modern Economy featured a panel of experts representing several industries who discussed the need to design a tax code from the ground up—one that is investment friendly with greater simplicity and which will stimulate economic growth going forward into the 21st century.

February 28, 2014

Tax Reform Back on the Table...Finally! (Audio: Podcast)

The sweeping blueprint for fundamental reform of both business and personal federal taxation that Congressman Camp introduced this week is long overdue.

January 16, 2014

Overdue for an Overhaul (Audio: Podcast)

IPI's Tom Giovanetti and Bartlett Cleland discuss why it's time to reform the U.S. tax code in order to compete in a 21st century global economy. 

Total Records: 140