  • Freedom
  • Innovation
  • Growth


October 26, 2017

Political Earthquake in Texas (Audio: Interview)

Tom Giovanetti discusses with 660 AM – The Answer’s Mark Davis the political earthquake of House Speaker Joe Straus’s decision to not seek re-election. Giovanetti describes how, for years, Straus has been killing what the majority of voters in Texas have wanted to see for several legislative sessions, and in his absence are glimmers of hope for education savings accounts and school choice.  

October 11, 2017

Free Speech on Campus, Tax Reform & More (Audio: Interview)

In an interview with 660 AM - The Answer's Mark Davis, Tom Giovanetti discusses free speech on campus and the two keys of the GOP tax reform framework that would mean gangbusters for the economy. The conversation also dives into local control, education reform, and the 2018 midterm elections. 

July 21, 2017

Does the Senate Have the Votes for a Simple Repeal Before August Recess? (Audio: Interview)

In Point of View’s Friday roundtable discussion of this week’s events in Washington, Dr. Merrill Matthews discusses the recent failure of the Republican effort to repeal and replace Obamacare, the lessons lawmakers should learn from their many missteps, and whether the Senate can simply repeal Obamacare before the August recess. 

June 8, 2017

Texas Legislature Special Session and Texting-While-Driving Ban (Audio: Interview)

In an interview with Mark Davis of 660 AM – The Answer, IPI president Tom Giovanetti offers his take on former FBI Director James Comey’s testimony before the U.S. Senate, the policy priorities for the Texas legislature’s special session, and Gov. Abbott’s signing of a controversial texting while driving ban. 

June 7, 2017

Texas Bathroom Controversy, Property Tax Reform, and Workfare (Audio: Interview)

In an interview with 570 AM KLIF’s Grant Stinchfield, Dr. Merrill Matthews discusses top questions for the upcoming Texas special legislative session, including the viability of HB2899, a limited government solution to the bathroom controversy. Plus, what can Texas learn from California regarding property taxes? And on the national front, Matthews makes the case for putting more welfare beneficiaries to work to grow the economy, but will Republicans have the courage to implement “workfare”?

May 30, 2017

Trump Should Let Senate Dump Paris Climate Agreement (Audio: Interview)

Dr. Merrill Matthews joins WBAP’s Chris Salcedo Show discussing why President Trump should give the U.S. Senate right of refusal on the Paris climate accord, a redistributionist scheme signed onto by President Obama. 

May 25, 2017

Giovanetti Scores Texas's 85th Legislature (Audio: Interview)

As the Texas legislative session begins wrapping up, Tom Giovanetti joins 660 AM – The Answer’s Mark Davis to give legislators a scorecard on how well they did advancing a free market agenda in the Lone Star State. 

April 26, 2017

Trump's First 100 Days (Audio: Interview)

IPI's Dr. Merrill Matthews discusses President Trump's first 100 days on 570 KLIF's The Stinchfield Report. 

April 20, 2017

HB 2899 Limits Municipal Overreach Into Bathrooms (Audio: Interview)

Tom Giovanetti tells the WBAP Morning News that the best solution to the transgender bathroom controversy is to limit rather than expand government power. This is the approach taken by HB 2899, which limits municipal overreach and allows transgendered persons to freely choose whatever restroom they feel is appropriate for them. 

April 5, 2017

Senate GOP May Go "Nuclear" as Democrats Threaten to Filibuster Gorsuch (Audio: Interview)

As the Senate moves closer to changing its historic rules amid a Supreme Court standoff, IPI’s Dr. Merrill Matthews joins the Stinchfield Report on KLIF to discuss what it will mean for the world’s greatest deliberative body if Republicans choose to take the nuclear option to force a vote on Judge Gorsuch. 

Total Records: 258