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Health Care

April 8, 2014

Has ObamaCare Evolved Into a Deal We Could Embrace? (Audio: Interview)

Democrats are claiming the ObamaCare “marketplace” contains plans proponents of free market reforms always wanted, such as HSAs. What’s the truth? IPI’s Merrill Matthews cuts through the spin with Wisconsin talk host Vicki McKenna.

March 28, 2014

Ideal vs. Realities of Obamacare (Audio: Podcast)

It's been four years since the ACA was signed. Far from attaining his ideals, the president has had no choice but to inject some reality into the program by embracing free market proposals.

March 27, 2014

Obamacare Delays, No Surprise (Audio: Interview)

Dr. Merrill Matthews sorts through the latest Obamacare extensions and "revisions" on the Janet Mefferd Show.

March 22, 2014

Uncertainties of Obamacare (Audio: Interview)

Merrill Matthews tells Chris Salcedo on the Blaze that as the March 31 deadline approaches there is only one thing that is certain about the president's plan--health care costs are rising.  

February 13, 2014

Should a Republican President Delay Parts of the ACA As Lawlessly As Obama?

If the president can unilaterally postpone parts of the law, should also a Republican president?

February 6, 2014

Market-Oriented Health Care and Selling Its Message

What would market-oriented health care look like and how can market proponents best champion it to the public?

January 24, 2014

SOTU 2014: Promise Zones or Potholes? (Audio: Podcast)

Giovanetti and Matthews offer a preview of what to expect the president to address in next week's State of the Union.

January 15, 2014

Health Insurance Companies: The New Public Utility (Audio: Interview)

Where is the line drawn between offering a “honey pot” to insurers suffering from expensive high-risk pools versus bailing out companies with bad business models using funds from successful ones? 

January 15, 2014

Obamacare's "Shared Sacrifice": Multibillion Dollar Bailout for Insurance Companies (Audio: Interview)

Obamacare's “risk adjustment mechanism” will bail out poorly performing health insurance companies with money from successful companies. Health insurance never became so expensive until government tried to make it affordable, says Merrill Matthews to WINA's Rob Schilling.

January 14, 2014

Obamacare Bailout for Health Insurance Companies? (Audio: Interview)

HHS plans to open up the money spigots if that's what it takes to get the insurers on board in a last ditch effort to make Obamacare work. Merrill Matthews talks to WWNC's Pete Kaliner.

Total Records: 272