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January 24, 2014

SOTU 2014: Promise Zones or Potholes? (Audio: Podcast)

Giovanetti and Matthews offer a preview of what to expect the president to address in next week's State of the Union.

January 9, 2014

Hillary's Roadblocks in 2016: Benghazi and Bill (Audio: Interview)

Is Hillary inevitable in winning the presidency in 2016? Merrill Matthews joins Janet Mefferd to say not so fast. 

January 3, 2014

Hillary: Too Much Baggage for Smooth Landing in 2016? (Audio: Interview)

Is Hillary Clinton really as much the heir apparent for the White House as the media says she is? 

November 22, 2013

The Majority Leader Who Diminished the Senate (Audio: Podcast)

Harry Reid has pulled the nuclear option trigger in the Senate, begging the question if he even cares about his legacy. History books may describe Reid as the majority leader who diminished the role of the Senate to allow President Obama to pack the DC circuit court and better advance his own agenda. But if Republicans win in 2014, will Democrats regret this rewriting of Senate rules?

November 14, 2013

Takeaways From the President's Disastrous ACA Press Conference (Audio: Interview)

Merrill Matthews talks with WWNC's Pete Kaliner implications regarding the president's extra-legal measures to "fix" the disastrous ObamaCare roll out.

November 5, 2013

Cuccinelli, Texas Prop 6, and Rainy Day Funds (Audio: Interview)

It's Election Day! IPI's Tom Giovanetti discusses the Virginia governor's race and Proposition 6 on the Texas ballot with KSKY's Mark Davis. Plus, if a state has billions saved up in a "rainy day fund," does the state government have too much taxpayer money?

November 1, 2013

The Biggest Domestic Policy Lie Ever Told by a U.S. President (Audio: Podcast)

Tom Giovanetti and Dr. Merrill Matthews discuss the millions of health care policy cancellations, the ObamaCare website disaster, and how it all may impact not just the 2014 Congressional elections but even next week's Virginia governor's race.

October 11, 2013

What's Scarier? The Debt Ceiling or Obama's Pick for Fed Chair? (Audio: Podcast)

As the latest showdown unfolds, should we be worried about the US defaulting on its debt? Treasury Secretary Jack Lew warns if Congress doesn't act, Social Security checks won't be mailed—so what happened to the $2.6 trillion Social Security Trust Fund Democrats have always defended? And why the president's nominee for Federal Reserve chairman may be the real threat to our long-term fiscal health.

October 9, 2013

Who's To Blame for the Government Shutdown? (Audio: Interview)

IPI president Tom Giovanetti tells WPR's Joy Cardin while both sides are at fault, Obama is rejecting a golden opportunity to come out as the hero by refusing to negotiate with the GOP.

October 4, 2013

ObamaCare Takes Flight...and Lands in the ER (Audio: Podcast)

IPI president Tom Giovanetti and IPI's Merrill Matthews review this week's events. As ObamaCare debuts, not only do the glitches and adverse incentives spell disaster, but not even the president seems to understand his own health care law. Regarding the government shutdown, Republicans seemed to have dealt themselves a weak hand, but appear to at least be playing it well. So in the end, how will all this play out?

Total Records: 258