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IPI Policy Basics Podcast

April 29, 2021

IPI Policy Basics: 'Right to Repair' Is a Trojan Horse and a Threat to American Innovation (Audio: Podcast)

“Right to Repair” initiatives in the states seem reasonable but are actually Trojan Horse proposals designed to undermine intellectual property protection, but were they to succeed American innovation would be undermined and consumer safety would be compromised. With the assistance of IPI Resident Scholar Dr. Merrill Matthews.

April 22, 2021

IPI Policy Basics: What Is Intellectual Property and Why Is it Important? (Audio: Podcast)

In honor of World IP Day, IPI President Tom Giovanetti and Research Fellow Bartlett Cleland discuss why intellectual property protection is important, and why IPI hosts annual World IP Day Policy Briefings.

April 1, 2021

IPI Policy Basics Podcast: No, Markets Aren't Perfect--They're Just Better than the Alternatives (Audio: Podcast)

Those of us who are proponents of free-markets are under no obligation to argue that markets are perfect—just that they are better than the alternatives of pillaging, communism, socialism, and attempts to manage the economy from the top-down by government bureaucrats. With IPI President Tom Giovanetti and Resident Scholar Dr. Merrill Matthews.

March 25, 2021

IPI Policy Basics: What Is Moral Hazard? (Audio: Podcast)

In this episode, IPI President Tom Giovanetti and Resident Scholar Dr. Merrill Matthews discuss the concept of moral hazard in public policy, and why every new proposal should be examined for whether it contains any moral hazard. And once you understand moral hazard, you start to see it in almost everything government touches.

March 11, 2021

IPI Policy Basics: Fixing the Filibuster (Audio: Podcast)

Resident Scholar Dr. Merrill Matthews and IPI President Tom Giovanetti discuss the history of the filibuster, it’s role in the Senate, what’s going wrong, and how it might be fixed without being completely eliminated.

March 4, 2021

IPI Policy Basics: Prescription Drug Development and the Miracle of the Covid-19 Vaccine(s) (Audio: Podcast)

IPI Resident Scholar Dr. Merrill Matthews describes some of the hurdles of prescription drug development, why the development of the Covid-19 vaccines is such a success story, and what we might learn from this experience. With comments by IPI president Tom Giovanetti. 

February 5, 2021

IPI Policy Basics: Our Rights Are Not Absolute (Audio: Podcast)

All of our rights are important and worth defending, but none of our rights are absolute. And assuming a right is an absolute right leads to bad policy thinking, as explained by IPI President Tom Giovanetti.

January 28, 2021

IPI Policy Basics: What is Net Neutrality, and Why Doesn't It Matter? (Audio: Podcast)

IPI President Tom Giovanetti, joined by Resident Scholar Dr. Merrill Matthews, explains that while the meaning of “net neutrality” has morphed several times over the last decade, it has always been driven by a distrust of privately owned networks, a bias against private ownership of infrastructure, and trust that government regulation makes things better.

January 21, 2021

IPI Policy Basics: The Government and the Country Are Not the Same Things (Audio: Podcast)

IPI President Tom Giovanetti explains that government is itself a special interest, and it more often looks after its own interests than those of the country. Too often, policy and political discussions talk about the federal government as if it is a proxy for the country. But more often than not, what’s best for the federal government is not what’s best for the country, and vice versa. In this podcast Tom is ably assisted by IPI Director of Development & Events, Addie Crimmins.

January 14, 2021

IPI Policy Basics: Consumer Welfare Should Always Come First (Audio: Podcast)

IPI President Tom Giovanetti, with the help of Dr. Merrill Matthews, explains why policy should put what’s best for consumers ahead of what’s best for producers and competitors in the areas of trade and antitrust, and also ahead of what’s best for politicians.

Total Records: 56