The Quickest Way to Lower the Trade Deficit (Audio: Interview)
In this interview with WAVA’s Don Kroah, IPI’s Merrill Matthews applauds the US House of Representatives for approving to lift the ban on crude oil exports, saying it’s the best way to not just lower the trade deficit but also to counter Iran.
Oreos Moves To Mexico; Should We Boycott? (Audio: Interview)
Americans should be troubled when a company decides to invest overseas rather than domestically. The US should do a better job on free trade and competing internationally.
Oreos And U.S. Global Competitiveness (Audio: Interview)
Tom Giovanetti joins KMED’s Bill Meyer on Oreo’s move to Mexico from Chicago, pointing out how onerous taxes, regulations and labor costs make the U.S. a prohibitively expensive place to invest for businesses.
Hope for Jeb Bush? (Audio: Interview)
He may be the best of the Bushes and even win the Republican presidential nomination, but Jeb Bush doesn’t excite the conservative base like other candidates. Plus, Matthews explains why fast-track trade authority is a good thing and will allow Congress to give an up or down vote on trade partnerships.
SoundByte: Fast Track Trade Authority - Good Policy, Bad Politics for Democrats
Every president wants fast track authority for trade agreements. Unless they’re a Democrat on the campaign trail, says Dr. Merrill Matthews.
SOTU Highlight: Trade and the TPP (Audio: Interview)
One issue stood out in the SOTU that Republicans can likely work on with Obama: trade and Trans Pacific Partnership. In the following interview with KMED’s Bill Meyer, Merrill Matthews discusses the benefits of fast tracking the TPP.
Keys to U.S. Energy Independence (Podcast)
This week's podcast clarifies common misunderstandings and identifies key steps for the U.S. to take toward energy independence.
Ukraine, Iraq Argue for Exporting US Natural Gas, Crude Oil (Audio: Interview)
Russia's decision to restrict Ukraine’s natural gas supplies, plus the new crisis in Iraq highlight the problems with the 40-year federal export ban on nearly all U.S.-produced crude oil and natural gas.
What's The Solution to Energy Security at Home?
IPI's Merrill Matthews joins Janet Mefferd to discuss permitting crude oil and natural gas exports for the U.S.
Lift Export Ban for a Better US Economy, Global Energy Market (Audio: Interview)
The U.S. and the world will be better off when oil and gas are driven by a free market rather than counterproductive government policies, says Merrill Matthews on WAVA-FM'S Don Kroah Show in Washington DC.