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Health Care

September 19, 2018

Single Payer Health Care: A Bad, Old Idea (Audio: Interview)

Democrats are campaigning on instituting single payer health care, with President Obama calling it a “good new idea.” But the failed concept has been around for almost a century, says Dr. Merrill Matthews in this interview with Vicki McKenna on Wisconsin’s WIBA and WISN.

September 10, 2018

Do Americans Really Want Free Healthcare For All? (Audio: Interview)

According to polls, Americans support the idea of everyone having health care coverage—but do they actually want government single-payer insurance? IPI’s Dr. Merrill Matthews cuts through the political spin to the harsh realities of “Medicare-for-all” rationed care schemes.

August 10, 2018

Mid-Term Election Heats Up, Plus Medicare-for-All, Trade & Tariffs (Audio: Interview)

IPI's Dr. Merrill Matthews joins host Kerby Anderson on Point of View to examine the latest developments in the 2018 midterm elections, the push by Democrats toward Medicare-for-all, and trade issues. 

July 31, 2018

Why Does Bernie Sanders Not Like the Medicare-For-All Study? (Audio: Interview)

As Democrats push for single-payer health care in the wake of Obamacare’s dismal failures, a new study released by The Mercatus Center estimates the cost of a national Medicare-for-all plan. In an interview with Mike Siegel, IPI’s Dr. Merrill Matthews analyzes the findings, including why chief single-payer advocate Sen. Bernie Sanders had immediate criticism for the study.

July 26, 2018

House Votes to Repeal Medical Device Tax (Audio: Interview)

In an interview with WBOB's Ed Dean, IPI's Merrill Matthews discusses the House's vote repealing the medical device tax and what's next. Plus, could the Trump administration be moving to bail out health insurers? 

July 20, 2018

Eight Years Later: A Close Examination of Obamacare (Audio: Interview)

It’s been eight years since Obamacare was signed into law. IPI’s Dr. Merrill Matthews joins Rick Ungar’s podcast for an in-depth look at how the law was crafted, why it has caused the cost of healthcare to surge, and what’s next as it struggles on life support.

June 13, 2018

State Single-Payer, Russia in the G7, and Trade & Tariffs (Audio: Interview)

In an interview with Mike Siegel, IPI’s Merrill Matthews discusses why single-payer health care won’t pass muster in California (or in other states), whether the U.S. has indeed been “bullied” on trade, and if Russia should be included in the G7.

June 1, 2018

Are Democrats Really Moving to the Center? (Audio: Interview)

Despite Democrats’ claim they’re moderating on economic issues for the 2018 midterm elections, their steady drumbeat for free college, guaranteed minimum wage, and single-payer healthcare shows the movement has never been further to the left. 

May 31, 2018

Growing Push Among Democrats for Medicare-for-All (Audio: Interview)

A single-payer health care system has become all the rage among far-left Democrats, IPI’s Dr. Merrill Matthews tells WAVA’s Don Kroah. “You can expect virtually every 2020 Democratic presidential hopeful to support Bernie Sanders-type ‘Medicare for all’ legislation.”

May 29, 2018

Saving on Healthcare Through Direct Pay (Audio: Interview)

As health care costs, deductibles, and insurance premiums explode, IPI’s Dr. Merrill Matthews joins WIBA/WISN host Vicki McKenna to discuss how consumers can save considerable money by completely bypassing third party insurance.

Total Records: 272