IPI Podcast: Internet Taxes and the Nexus Standard
The MFA and other Internet sales tax formulations would massively expand government power and burden small and medium-sized retailers with new tax-collection burdens. IPI’s Bartlett Cleland defines economic nexus and explains why the standard is so important.
Republican Platform Puts the Brakes on Taxing the Internet (Audio: Interview)
Tom Giovanetti joins fill-in host Paul Gleiser on 660 AM - The Answer's Mark Davis Show to discuss important language included in the Republican platform that puts the brakes on government's ability to tax and regulate the Internet.
IPI Podcast: Online Sales Tax and the GOP Platform
In a regular Policy Wonks podcast, IPI president Tom Giovanetti discusses the Marketplace Fairness Act and how IPI was successful in influencing the Republican party platform to include language opposing the expansion of government's power in regulating and taxing the Internet.
New Hampshire, Tax Proposals & Civil Asset Forfeiture (Audio: Interview)
In an interview with KSKY's Mark Davis on 660 AM - The Answer, IPI president Tom Giovanetti discusses what's at stake for GOP presidential contenders in the upcoming New Hampshire primary, all the candidates' tax plans, and the "mission creep" of civil asset forfeiture abuse that threatens civil rights and the integrity of law enforcement.
Trump's Tax Plan: Weighing Its Political, Philosophical and Economic Merits (Audio: Interview)
Trump's plan is a dynamo in two of these areas and a failure in the last area.
Trump�s Tax Plan: Business In the Front, Populism In the Back (Audio: Interview)
IPI’s Merrill Matthews speaks with nationally syndicated Lars Larson on the newly released tax reform plan from GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump.
Chaffetz Bill Even Worse Than Marketplace Fairness Act (Audio: Interview)
Tom Giovanetti discusses the latest online sales tax ploy in Congress and how it would do serious harm to small business and interstate commerce.
Irving Earthquakes, Tax Debate in the Texas Legislature (Audio: Interview)
IPI president Tom Giovanetti joins 660 AM The Answer host Mark Davis to discuss recent earthquakes in Irving and what may be at "fault," such as seismic activity or issues related to high powered wastewater disposal from drilling. Plus, as the Texas Legislature winds down, which tax cutting measures should win out: property tax cuts or sales tax cuts?
Two-Thirds of Obamacare Recipients Have to Repay Subsidies (Audio: Interview)
If you received help to buy an Obamacare health plan, odds are you had to pay some it back. H&R Block says two-thirds of its customers had to pay back an average of $750. Merrill Matthews discusses how this surprise isn’t the only one coming for many.
To Cut IRS, First Start Tax Reform
Ted Cruz famously called for abolishing the Internal Revenue Service in his announcement to run for president. Dr. Merrill Matthews discusses on WINA's Schilling Show whether eliminating the agency is possible, explaining that any kind of attempts to downsize the IRS must first start with downsizing the tax code.