June 5 is World Anti-Counterfeiting Day
Be judicious when you buy. That "steal of a deal" may cost you a lot more than you think.
Weakening South Africa's IP regime would be devastating
South Africa should advance an IP agenda that both bolsters access to medicines as well as protects innovation.
IPI Submits Comments to USPTO on Commerce Dept. Green Paper
Today, IPI submitted comments to the USPTO regarding the U.S. Department of Commerce green paper on Copyright Policy, Creativity, and Innovation in the Digital Economy.
International Property Rights Index Ranks U.S. #2 for IP, #17 Overall
This year’s International Property Rights Index, a project of the Property Rights Alliance, ranks the U.S. #17 for the protection of both physical and intellectual property.
Sequestration cuts deny Silicon Valley a patent office
Associated Press reporter Martha Mendoza writes how a promised satellite patent office for tech giant Silicon Valley—the top region producing patents—is being denied thanks to sequestration cuts.
Canadian Courts' Arbitrary Patent Standard Jeopardizing Drug Innovation
A piece today in Forbes by Eli Lilly CEO John Lechleiter discusses how a trend in Canadian courts may be threatening drug innovation by invalidating therapies and medicines already in use by patients on a wide scale.
Streaming Media Magazine Offers Thorough Look at Challenges and Opportunities in Fighting Content Piracy
Reporter Claudia Kienzle cites IPI’s copyright piracy study in a comprehensive piece, "What is the cost of free?" examining efforts to curtail online copyright infringement in the June/July issue of Streaming Media Magazine.
WSJ's Numbers Guy Takes a Closer Look at the Impact of IPI's Film Piracy Study
IPI's Tom Giovanetti tells columnist Carl Bialik that IPI's "True Cost of Motion Picture Piracy to the U.S. Economy" study was an early attempt to answer a tough question, and an improvement on the status quo, in which economic-impact statistics were cited without any basis other than vague industry estimates.
Getting ready for IPI's 8th annual World IP Day
IPI will celebrate this year's World Intellectual Property Day on April 25th with our annual policy forum marking the occasion.
Band drives conversation on piracy with Times Square billboard
Indie band Ghost Beach is using a controversial tactic to spark a debate about piracy, but on Twitter reveals that as"#artistsagainstpiracy" they are for new platforms to promote legitimate music choices respecting intellectual property.
Ukraine Named Among Worst Offenders for Piracy
Punk rocker warns future creators are some of piracy's biggest victims
East Bay Ray of the Dead Kennedys shares his thoughts on music piracy, warning that some of the biggest victims of piracy are future creators.
Student spreads the message of the threat of music piracy
IPI is getting the message out that IP theft has real damages, as evidenced by the front page of one high school newspaper which recently cited our report, “The True Cost of Sound Recording Piracy to the US Economy.”
Music piracy on the decline as digital music sales grow
The Washington Post says fewer people are illegally downloading music as the availability of legitimate digital music is growing by leaps and bounds through new channels and subscription services.
Finally, a college student who gets it
Three cheers for Duquesne’s Julian Routh, who shows he gets it when it comes to IP theft.