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Brazil moves toward busting patents

While I was gone on vacation, Brazil's lower house took a major step toward busting pharmaceutical patents, as they have been threatening for some time.

Here's the story. Now, apparently, it moves to Brazil's senate.

This, of course, is completely unacceptable. A major world economy is moving toward confiscating the intellectual property of (at least in one case) a U.S. company.

This is what trade sanctions and other punitive trade devices are for. If this becomes law in Brazil, the U.S. administration has no choice but to retaliate.

Otherwise, contracts on intellectual property goods are unenforceable internationally.

U.S. developers of IP goods have to know that their government will back them up when they market their goods overseas.

Brazil is about to make good on its threat. We'll see if the U.S. is as good on its threats.
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