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Development Agenda has been decided (for 2005)

My understanding is that a compromise has been agreed to on the development agenda.

The issue was between those who wanted the "IIM process" to continue, and between those who wanted the discussion moved to a relevant committee, which seemed to be the existing PCIPD (Permanent Committee on Intellectual Property and Development).

Note that no one was proposing that the development agenda was wrong-headed and misguided, and should be put to a quiet death. No one except me, that is, and I'm not a member state . . .

Anyway, the decision has been made. They are going to do away with the PCIPD, create a new committee, and the discussion will continue in that new committee, which will meet twice in 2006, and will report its recommendations (if any) to the General Assembly in 2006.

I'll post an extended analysis of this later. For now, here is the agreed-upon language. NOTE: The bit at the end about all proposals having to be submitted on the first day of the first session is VERY IMPORTANT. It is designed to keep a country from purposefully extend the process indefinitely by introducing their proposal on the very last day of the last meeting, which is basically what the African Group did during the IIM process.


Considering the need to make progress in integrating the development dimension in WIPO broadly so that concrete and practical results can be achieved in the most timely and efficient manner, the General Assembly hereby decides:

*To constitute a Provisional Committee to take forward the IIM process to accelerate and complete the discussions on proposals relating to a WIPO Development Agenda and report with any recommendations to the General Assembly at its September 2006 session.

*In the interim, and without prejudice to the provision of technical assistance, the PCIPD will cease to exist.

*The work of the Provisional Committee shall not prejudice the activities of the other WIPO bodies in discussing all matters relevant to development.

*The Provisional Committee shall have two one-week sessions, and the deadline for submission of new proposals shall be the first day of the first session of the Committee.
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