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More on Google searches: Is IPI being hypocritical?

More on my recent posting expressing a watchful concern over how Google goes about gaining access to the content of others:

Yes, I know that we have already opined favorably on the Google Library search product.

Google's commitment on the Library project has been that it is only scanning publications that are in the public domain. For works still under copyright, you'll be able to search but not access the protected content.

We commented favorably on this because it showed what seems to be the proper balance. It's not unlike searching a newspaper's archives for an old article. They'll let you search it for free, but you (in many cases) have to be a subscriber, or pay a fee, to access the archived content.

From what we were able to gather, Google was going about their Google Library project in a way that is respectful of copyright.

What seems troubling about Google's Video search product is that they seem to be proceeding in a less-respectful way with regard to owned content. So we commented accordingly.

We have no beef with a company that innovates new services while respecting the rights of others.
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