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Punk rocker warns future creators are some of piracy's biggest victims

Punk musician East Bay Ray of the Dead Kennedys made headlines after sharing his insights on music piracy with college students at California’s Chico State University, warning that some of the biggest victims of piracy are future creators.

The Orion’s Nicole Gerspacher reports the rocker’s thoughts on piracy in the following article, citing IPI’s 2007 publication “The True Cost of Sound Recording Piracy on the US Economy.”

Global music piracy loses the United States economy $12.5 billion every year.

That totals 71,060 U.S. jobs lost, $2.7 billion in workers’ earnings lost and $422 million in federal tax revenues lost, according to an analysis by the Institute for Policy Innovation.

Dead Kennedys guitarist and punk legend East Bay Ray visited Chico State Thursday to address what he considers to be misuse of music.

Read the full article here.

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