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USTR has released list of baddies on IP

The office of the USTR has released this year's "Special 301" report, which reviews the protection of IP in 90 countries. The report is best known for its categorization of countries specially targed for their noteriety on the subjects of piracy and counterfeiting.

Specially singled out for criticism is Ukraine, the only country in the worst category "Priority Foreign Country." Also singled out for somewhat lesser criticism is Paraguay in the "Section 306" category.

On the Priority Watch List are Argentina, Brazil, Egypt, India, Indonesia, Israel, Kuwait, Lebanon, Pakistan, Philippines, Russia, Turkey, and Venezuela.

On the Watch List are 36 countries, running the gamut from Uzbekistan to Canada. Among the things costing Canada is the recent Canadian court decision finding that making files available for copying on a peer-to-peer file sharing service cannot give rise to liability for infringement..

We'll see what our own Supreme court does on the same topic.

The report is available here.
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