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Economic Growth

Economic Growth RSS Feed

A growing economy creates jobs, raises living standards, maintains global competitiveness, and thus engenders positive attitudes and optimism about the future.

While many policymakers seem intent on focusing on either economic stimulus or austerity, IPI believes that the economy can grow consistently and at higher rates than we’ve experienced in the last decade, and we reject the idea that economic growth contains within itself the seeds of its own demise through inflation, the business cycle, and erroneous Phillips Curve assumptions. Therefore, economic growth should be elected officials’ primary policy goal at the federal, state and local levels, and it’s the organizing principle of our policy work at IPI.

Whatever limitations may exist on economic growth, they should not be self-imposed through counterproductive tax policy, overbearing regulations, ill-conceived monetary policy, trade protectionism, or hostility toward skilled and ambitious immigration.

May 4, 2017

Who's Ready for 5G? Indiana, That's Who

Indiana’s 5G bill is a model for other states to emulate.

May 2, 2017

Minimum Wage Increases: Venezuela's--and Democrats'--Anti-Poverty Solution

There are similarities between Venezuela President Nicolas Maduro's and Democrats' anti-poverty solution: dramatically raising the minimum wage. But it hasn't worked in Venezuela and, fortunately,won't have the chance to fail in the U.S.

April 25, 2017

Speeches That Weren't Made During the March for Science

Lots of speeches were given during the March for Science. Here are some important issues that likely weren't discussed.

April 18, 2017

Want to See What Protectionism Looks Like? Look at Steel

We don't have to turn to economic theory to see the problems with protective tariffs, we have real life examples.

April 5, 2017

No Basis for Conservative Opposition to the Texas Central Rail Project

There is no principled conservative objection to the privately financed Texas Central Rail project, but those trying to kill the project ARE violating several conservative principles.

April 5, 2017

Are Countries with Trade Surpluses Economically Stronger?

If the president's goal is to increase U.S. manufacturing so that Americans are buying fewer foreign products and foreigners are buying more U.S.-made products, there is a right and wrong way to do it. And imposing import tariffs is the wrong way.

April 4, 2017

No Basis for Conservative Opposition to the Texas Central Rail Project

There is no principled conservative objection to the privately financed Texas Central Rail project, but those trying to kill the project ARE violating several conservative principles.

March 28, 2017

Six Challenges Facing Tax Reform

President Trump appears more excited about tax reform than health care reform, but he will face some of the same challenges--and perhaps even more.

March 17, 2017

Will Single-Payer Health Care Be California's Next Big Fiscal Crisis?

As Institute for Policy Innovation scholar Merrill Matthews recently noted in these pages, a number of states have tried to impose single-payer health plans on their citizens and failed.

March 9, 2017

Scott Pruitt Will Have to Change EPA Policies - And Culture

Scott Pruitt may face the biggest challenge of all of President Donald Trump’s Cabinet appointments because the EPA is dedicated to a cause rather than the public.

Total Records: 607