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Press Release

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October 7, 2014

Denton Drilling Opponents Funded By Non-Local Environmental Extremist Groups

Reports released today indicate most of the funding for proponents of the Denton drilling ban have originated from non-local environmental extremist groups.

September 19, 2014

Report: Clearly in U.S. Interests to Include Intellectual Property Protection in FTAs

Intellectual property (IP) goods not only dominate U.S. exports and support a significant portion of the U.S. domestic economy, but IP protections also strengthen economic growth in countries around the world. A new paper says it is therefore crucial for the U.S. government to prioritize policies supporting innovation and creativity, especially in trade agreements.

September 11, 2014

Report Reveals Secrets Behind Premium Increases

There are too many factors affecting health insurance premiums, both actuarial and political, for either pro- or anti-Obamacare forces to claim victory.

September 4, 2014

IPI Urges FCC to Stay Within Its Bounds, Let Private Sector Work

The FCC should stay within its bounds and let the private sector work, said IPI in comments recently filed regarding the Comcast and Time Warner Cable merger review, and additionally in regard to two U.S. cities calling upon the FCC to overturn state laws regulating municipal broadband networks.

August 19, 2014

Perry Indictment Could Boost White House Chances

Instead of being a millstone, the indictment may turn out to be a badge of honor

July 22, 2014

Halbig Decision Effectively Defunds Obamacare in Majority of States

A three-judge panel for the U.S. Court of Appeals for the DC Circuit’s ruling today on Halbig vs. Burwell effectively defunds ObamaCare in two-thirds of the states, and is the biggest legal challenge to ObamaCare we’ve seen, says IPI's Merrill Matthews, Ph.D.  It is also likely the Supreme Court would agree with the DC Circuit's ruling, said Matthews.  

July 15, 2014

Free-Market Advocates Say FCC's Proposed Internet Regulations Are Unneeded, Harmful to Broadband Deployment Goals

Fourteen groups representing free-market advocates opposed to Internet regulation, filed comments with the FCC, calling on the Commission to delay any effort to issue "Network Neutrality" regulations until Congress has provided the agency clear authority to do so. 

July 10, 2014

Wind Energy's Future Faces Key Challenges

In “Challenges for Wind Energy’s Future,” Merrill Matthews, Ph.D., discusses how wind energy’s advancement proves problematic due to four key challenges, foremost of all its expense.

June 18, 2014

IPI Applauds House Judiciary Committee Efforts to Make Permanent Internet Tax Moratorium

IPI applauds efforts made today by the House Judiciary Committee moving forward on making the Internet tax moratorium permanent and refraining from introducing other issues that likely would have ended its progress in the House. 

May 28, 2014

New Publication: Foreign Sugar Policies Causing Global Market Distortions, Threatening U.S. Producers, Taxpayers

If market-distorting actions from four key nations are allowed to continue, the otherwise competitive U.S. sugar industry is at risk of being obliterated and the prices to U.S. consumers will be at the mercy of foreign governments and supplies.

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