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May 5, 2017

Federal Oil and Gas Leases Could Boost Government Revenue

President Trump recently proposed opening up more federal land and offshore for oil and natural gas exploration. That’s good news.

May 4, 2017

House Bill Lets States Return to Functioning Health Care Markets - If States Choose To

“Today Republicans took an important step towards rolling back President Obama's and Democrats' decades-long quest for a government-run single-payer healthcare system,” said Matthews.

May 2, 2017

Next Agency To Be Put On A Leash: OSHA

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration's rule-making often wreaks havoc on businesses.

April 30, 2017

Mackowiak: Compromise Bathroom Bill Threads the Needle

IPI expert referenced: Tom Giovanetti | Media Hit

On March 17, Tom Giovanetti, an influential conservative and president of the Institute for Policy Innovation, penned an opinion column for The Dallas Morning News that offered his creative solution. 

April 28, 2017

Healthcare Groups: Revised GOP Healthcare Bill 'Even Worse'

While those groups said the latest bill goes in the wrong direction, others spoke out in support of the changes. The Independent Women's Voice called it a step in the right direction, as did the Institute for Policy Innovation.

April 28, 2017

California's Road to Single-Payer Ruin

IPI expert referenced: Merrill Matthews | Media Hit

Californians, you've been warned. 

April 27, 2017

Get Ready for Fake News From Tech Giants About Broadband Regulatory Reform

It’s going to be very difficult for opponents of reversing Title II to make sound legal arguments against the reset, since they spent years making the case that the FCC had precisely the authority to reclassify broadband as it saw fit.

April 27, 2017

Republicans' Federalist Approach to Health Care Reform a Step Forward

The compromise Republican health care bill is significantly better than the original version. It's not a full repeal of Obamacare, but allows states to once again create functioning health insurance markets. 

April 26, 2017

IPI Commends FCC Chairman Pai for Move to Begin Restoring Light-Touch Federal Broadband Regulation

FCC Chairman Ajit Pai is undertaking the important work of setting Internet policy back on its well-established framework of light touch federal regulation by overturning the Obama administration’s ill-advised reclassification of broadband under Title II.

April 20, 2017

Texans Testify Against Transgender Bathroom Bill Through the Night

IPI expert referenced: Tom Giovanetti | Media Hit

Tom Giovanetti said the House bill was an improvement from a Senate version because it was a small-government solution that limits the creation of additional protected classes of people. “It will limit the ability of cities to get involved in this type of social justice activity,” he told the committee.

Total Records: 1645