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Budget and Deficit

October 4, 2013

ObamaCare Takes Flight...and Lands in the ER (Audio: Podcast)

IPI president Tom Giovanetti and IPI's Merrill Matthews review this week's events. As ObamaCare debuts, not only do the glitches and adverse incentives spell disaster, but not even the president seems to understand his own health care law. Regarding the government shutdown, Republicans seemed to have dealt themselves a weak hand, but appear to at least be playing it well. So in the end, how will all this play out?

October 1, 2013

Did Boehner Blow His Chance to Defund ObamaCare? (Audio: Interview)

Merrill Matthews joins KMED's Bill Meyer to discuss the government shutdown and debut of ObamaCare.

September 30, 2013

Looming ObamaCare Start, Government Shutdown (Audio: Interview)

Merrill Matthews discusses with Janet Mefferd what to expect as ObamaCare starts, as well as a looming government shutdown.

September 26, 2013

Did Ted Cruz's Stand Make a Difference? (Audio: Interview)

Merrill Matthews tells WPR's Joy Cardin that although government shutdowns are more common than people think, it would be a PR nightmare for the GOP.

September 26, 2013

ObamaCare's Health Insurance Sticker Shock and Death Spiral (Audio: Interview)

Matthews warns KMED's Bill Meyer ObamaCare's high premiums will only worsen as it “death spirals,” in which rates rise the next several years, leading healthy people to drop out while only “very sick” people remain

September 25, 2013

Democrats Instigated Government Shutdowns, Too (Audio: Interview)

Government shutdowns aren't as rare as you think, and it's not just the GOP who causes them. Dr. Merrill Matthews explains on 660 AM's The Mark Davis Show.

September 25, 2013

What Was the Impact of Sen. Cruz’s Filibuster? (Audio: Interview)

Dr. Merrill Matthews discusses this week’s events and what we can expect next on the budget battle with WWNC’s Pete Kaliner.

September 13, 2013

Defunding ObamaCare: Past the Point of "No Return?" (Audio: Interview)

Merrill Matthews joins national talk host Janet Mefferd to discuss the latest on the effort to defund ObamaCare. Plus, should Americans brace themselves for a government shutdown?

June 20, 2013

Not So "Affordable" After All (Audio: Interview)

Dr. Merrill Matthews tells KSFO's Brian Sussman and Melanie Morgan patients are feeling the squeeze from ObamaCare mandates.

May 2, 2013

Working to Restore American Liberty

Candid policy discussion with IPI expert, Merrill Matthews and IPI president, Tom Giovanetti at the 25th Anniversary Celebration: A New Frontier for Liberty.

Total Records: 129