  • Freedom
  • Innovation
  • Growth

Budget and Deficit

May 2, 2013

IPI: Pushing Back Against Big Government and the Government Class

IPI President Tom Giovanetti's Address at the 25th Anniversary Celebration: A New Frontier for Liberty.


February 26, 2013

Raise Your Glass to the Sequester (Audio: Interview)

Tom Giovanetti tells radio host Joy Cardin why the Great Sequester of 2013 should be celebrated, not feared.

January 25, 2013

The Real Test Comes with the Sequester (Audio: Interview)

Tom Giovanetti explains why the sequester will be the next, and most critical, battleground for the two parties.

January 7, 2013

Can the Cliff Be Avoided? (Audio: Interview)

Dr. Merrill Matthews discuses last minute options for avoiding the fiscal cliff with guest host Susan Cloud on KSKY's Mark Davis Show.

December 13, 2012

How to Cut Spending (Audio: Interview)

Tom Giovanetti tells KSKY's Mark Davis the only way to build political support for spending restraint is with an across-the-board 1 percent cut in spending—all spending.

November 14, 2012

Are there benefits to going over the fiscal cliff? (Audio: Interview)

IPI President Tom Giovanetti explains the ramifications of the impending fiscal cliff on KSKY's Mark Davis Show.

March 9, 2012

Audio: Bartlett Cleland with Butler on Business

Spectrum, a vital resource, is key to innovation and competition. But for too long, Congress has viewed spectrum as merely a means to plug a deficit hole as Washington continues to spend.

November 11, 2010

Reclaiming Liberty Anniversary Dinner Part 1

Former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich delivered a powerful message to a packed room regarding the winning strategies needed to grow the economy and boost job creation at the “Reclaiming Liberty” Anniversary Celebration.

This first video includes opening ceremonies of the evening and comments by Texas dignitaries and other special guests.

November 11, 2010

Reclaiming Liberty Anniversary Dinner Part 2

Former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich delivered a powerful message to a packed room regarding the winning strategies needed to grow the economy and boost job creation at the “Reclaiming Liberty” Anniversary Celebration.

Total Records: 129