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April 26, 2019

Gender Pay Gap, Electoral College, 2020 Democratic Hopefuls & More (Audio: Interview)

Merrill Matthews joins Point of View host Kerby Anderson in studio for a whirwind of topics: Equal Pay Day and the so-called "gender pay gap", the Electoral College, the latest in the crowded race for the Democratic presidential nomination, and the coming entitlement's crisis. 

April 25, 2019

Remembering Missy Shorey, Crony Capitalism in Austin, & Joe Biden (Audio: Interview)

IPI president Tom Giovanetti joins Mark Davis on 660 AM - The Answer to discuss the legacy of Dallas GOP Chairwoman Missy Shorey, legislation in Austin that would block new competitiors from entering the state's electric utility market, and Joe Biden's splash into the 2020 race for the White House.   

April 15, 2019

Electoral College Under Attack (Audio: Interview)

Merrill Matthews joins the Don Kroah Show on WAVA- Washington DC to discuss the Left's attack on the Electoral College. 

April 2, 2019

Biden, Border Fight, and GOP's Hopes to Repeal Obamacare (Audio: Interview)

In an interview with Mike Siegel, Merrill Matthews discusses the latest news from the Democratic presidential race, President Trump’s border fight, the chances of a GOP healthcare win after the 2020 elections, and more.


March 15, 2019

It's Back: Socialism (Audio: Interview)

Self-proclaimed democratic socialists are increasingly driving the direction of the Democratic Party. IPI’s Dr. Merrill Matthews joins Don Kroah on WAVA – FM in Washington DC to discuss how the “rogue element” is undermining Speaker Pelosi and Democrat leadership, whether or not it will last, and how it may shape the 2020 presidential election.

February 21, 2019

Nothing New About Emergency Declarations (Audio: Interview)

A president invoking emergency powers is not uncommon, explains Dr. Merrill Matthews on WAVA’s Don Kroah Show. In this interview, Matthews also highlights four acts of emergency conditions which may apply in the president’s case for the border wall.

January 29, 2019

Democrats Devolving into Unserious, Cartoonish Candidates (Audio: Interview)

Today’s field of Democrat presidential hopefuls espouse such radical fringe ideas, they’re basically “full blown democratic socialists,” says Dr. Merrill Matthews on Janet Mefferd Live. How has today’s Democratic party pitched so far to the left, and does it have any hope of staying relevant?

January 25, 2019

Democrats Lurch Left for 2020 (Audio: Interview)

On Point of View, IPI’s Dr. Merrill Matthews discusses the government shutdown war, the postponed State of the Union address, and the chances of Democratic presidential hopefuls winning voters in the 2020 election.

January 9, 2019

Trump Pleads for Border Wall; Matthews Reacts (Audio: Interview)

IPI’s Dr. Merrill Matthews reacts to President Trump’s Oval Office speech regarding border security as well as the response from Democratic congressional leaders, offering his thoughts on how the two branches can compromise.

January 8, 2019

The Merits of a Continued Government Shutdown (Audio: Interview)

In an interview with 660 AM - The Answer's Mark Davis, IPI president Tom Giovanetti discusses the merits of the continuing government shutdown and what President Trump should say tonight in his primetime broadcast regarding border security. 

Total Records: 258