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January 4, 2019

Romney Picks A Fight (Audio: Interview)

On Point of View with Kerby Anderson, IPI’s Dr. Merrill Matthews discusses Sen. Mitt Romney’s divisive op-ed coming out against President Trump and what tone that sets for his future in the Republican Party and in Washington.

November 19, 2018

Judicial Tyranny and What’s to Blame for California’s Wildfires (Audio: Interview)

Tom Giovanetti joins 660 AM – The Answer’s Mark Davis to discuss judicial tyranny, examples of which range from a single judge overturning a statewide ballot initiative to the reinstatement of a White House reporter’s revoked press pass.   

November 19, 2018

Due Process, the Lame-Duck, and Hope for Criminal Justice Reform? (Audio: Interview)

In a discussion on Point of View, IPI’s Dr. Merrill Matthews discusses the temporary reinstatement of CNN reporter Jim Acosta’s White House press pass by a federal judge, what Congress can achieve in the lame-duck session, and whether there’s bipartisan support for efforts such as criminal justice reform.

November 14, 2018

Politics, Election Fraud & California's Wildfires (Audio: Interview)

In a conversation with GCN's Mike Siegel, Dr. Merrill Matthews tackles the ideological trajectory of the Democratic Party, election fraud and incompetence in Florida's Broward County, what's to blame for California's wildfires, and prescription drug pricing. 

October 26, 2018

How Democrats and Republicans Are Navigating The Obamacare Issue This Election (Audio: Interview)

In an interview with Janet Mefferd, IPI's Dr. Matthews discusses what role Obamacare is playing in this year's election and how each party is navigating the issue among voters. 

October 22, 2018

Judicial Supremacy, Midterms, & Migrants (Audio: Interview)

In a discussion with Mike Siegel, IPI’s Merrill Matthews touches on how the controversy and politicization of the Kavanaugh confirmation highlighted the enormous powers the Supreme Court has acquired, as well as the latest on healthcare, the midterm elections, and the Central America migrant caravan.

October 17, 2018

Why You Won't See the Blue Wave Democrats, or History, Says You Should (Audio: Interview)

In a conversation with 660 AM – The Answer’s Mark Davis, Tom Giovanetti compares the backgrounds and ideas of two very different women in politics, talks the latest on November’s midterm elections, and discusses which house of Congress is more important for conservative action.

October 11, 2018

Surprising Polls for the 2018 Midterm Election (Audio: Interview)

IPI's resident scholar Dr. Merrill Matthews guest hosts the nationally syndicated talk show Point of View, assessing with Wade Emmert the political landscape and the latest poll numbers preceding the historic 2018 midterm elections. 

October 10, 2018

Tensions—Both Foreign and Domestic (Audio: Interview)

In an interview with Mike Siegel on Genesis Communications Network, IPI’s Dr. Merrill Matthews discusses the escalating political violence across the nation, the new U.S. trade deal with Canada and Mexico, and the continued trade war with China. 


September 28, 2018

Ford and Kavanaugh Hearings: Ugly Day for USA (Audio: Interview)

In a discussion with 660 AM – The Answer’s Mark Davis, IPI’s Tom Giovanetti reviews on the September 27th Senate Judiciary Committee hearing for Supreme Court Justice nominee Brett Kavanaugh and how it is a reflection of today’s heated political climate and shifting culture.

Total Records: 258