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Health Care

June 27, 2016

Executive Amnesty Slapdown, Replacing Obamacare (Audio: Interview)

Dr. Merrill Matthews discusses the recent Supreme Court rulings on affirmative action and President Obama's executive amnesty, as well as the Republican outline to repeal and replace Obamacare.  

June 20, 2016

Obamacare’s Socialist Wall (Audio: Interview)

The socialist wall-builders in the Obama administration have new restrictions on health insurance designed to keep people from trying to leave the system. 

June 16, 2016

Obamacare’s Socialist Wall (Audio: Interview)

Dr. Merrill Matthews talks with Bill Meyer at KMED about Obamacare’s failing exchanges and new rules being instituted to keep people from leaving the plan. 

May 19, 2016

Judge Slaps Down ACA Insurer Subsidies (Audio: Interview)

A federal judge has struck down Obamacare's unlawful and unfunded subsidies to health insurers. Dr. Merrill Matthews explains on Upfront with Vicki McKenna what the ruling means for the ACA's workability. 

April 27, 2016

Road to the White House & Obamacare's Future (Audio: Interview)

Dr. Merrill Matthews joins WAVA’s Don Kroah live in-studio in Washington DC to discuss the presidential candidates’ health care plans, Obamacare’s future, and what to make of Ted Cruz’s VP pick. 

April 20, 2016

Why UHC's Exit From Most Obamacare Exchanges Matters (Audio: Interview)

As the nation’s biggest insurer’s announces it's pulling out of most of Obamacare’s exchanges, IPI’s Dr. Merrill Matthews discusses what it means for the health care law and how other insurers may respond in kind. 

April 7, 2016

Taxpayers Will Be Paying A Lot More For Obamacare (Audio: Interview)

Due to the crowd-out effect and other incorrect assumptions made by the CBO, it appears that Obamacare will cost taxpayers far more than originally reported. 

March 14, 2016

Is Trumpcare Just A Lightweight? (Audio: Interview)

IPI's Dr. Merrill Matthews joins WIBA/WISN host Vicki McKenna to explain that Donald Trump's health care plan is nothing more than just vagueries and platitudes which wouldn't achieve much. Matthews goes a step further to discuss what real health care reform looks like. 

February 8, 2016

A GOP Healthcare Reform Plan That May Not Work (Audio: Interview)

Republicans have been pushing a health care reform idea that is unlikely to work—at least the way the health insurance system is currently structured. IPI's Merrill Matthews discusses purchasing health insurance plans across state lines with WIBA/WISN talk host Vicki McKenna. 

February 2, 2016

GOP Candidates Shouldn't Lead Healthcare Reform Proposals On This Idea (Audio Interview)

Allowing people to buy a health insurance policy available to residents of another state might be helpful, but it’s not a panacea—and it might not achieve anything, warns IPI's Dr. Merrill Matthews on KMED's Bill Meyer Show.

Total Records: 272