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Health Care

November 23, 2015

Will Democrats Force Health Insurers to Stay in Obamacare's Failing Exchanges? (Audio: Interview)

It is an embarrassment for the ACA if health insurers are forced out of Obamacare’s exchanges because of losses, IPI’s Merrill Matthews tells "Janet Mefferd Today." Will Democrats force the insurers to stay and sell in the exchanges?

November 11, 2015

VA's Ongoing Problems Benefit Politicians, Unions To Detriment of Veterans, Taxpayers (Audio: Interview)

Not much has changed in the Veterans Administration 18 months after news of its scandal first broke. And while veterans would enormously benefit from having vouchers for private insurance or even be enrolled in the Federal Employees Health Benefits Plan, the politicians and unions benefitting from the status quo make such reforms unlikely. 

November 11, 2015

The Real and Long-Term Effects of the Minimum Wage (Audio: Interview)

Merrill Matthews discusses with WAVA's Don Kroah in Washington DC the real and long-term effects of the minimum wage, plus how not much has changed for veterans in the broken VA system 18 months after its scandal broke.

November 9, 2015

Imposing Pharmaceutical Price Controls Hampers Innovation (Audio: Interview)

Dr. Merrill Matthews tells the national Lars Larson Show the many reasons explaining the high cost of some prescription drugs, what solutions would lower their cost, and warns that regulations or price controls would only make them more expensive or ensure they never reach the market. 

October 20, 2015

An Affordable Health Care Alternative In The Age Of Obamacare (Audio: Interview)

IPI's Dr. Merrill Matthews tells WINA's Rob Schilling a way to escape Obamacare's onerous mandates and still acquire quality health care. 

October 20, 2015

The Push To Embrace Physician-Assisted Suicide (Audio: Interview)

Will embracing physician-assisted suicide change the culture of medicine and the doctor-patient relationship, as well as undermine the country’s longstanding value for the sanctity of life?  IPI's Dr. Merrill Matthews discusses with WAVA's Don Kroah.

August 5, 2015

Merrill Matthews: My Wife Just Lost Her Obamacare Coverage (Audio: Interview)

IPI's Merrill Matthews, Ph.D. discusses on the Bill Meyer Show how Obamacare's harsh realities have impacted him personally, as his wife becomes one of the 367,000 Texans who are having their health insurance coverage eliminated because the insurer lost $400 million on that group in 2014.

August 4, 2015

Nearly 400,000 Texans Are Losing Their Obamacare Coverage (Audio: Interview)

Another Obamacare casualty. Dr. Merrill Matthews discusses on the Lars Larson Show how his wife is one of 367,000 Texans having their Obamacare coverage cancelled  by Blue Cross Blue Shield. And as premiums rise, cancellations will continue and doctor networks get even narrower.

July 14, 2015

Is Medicare-for-All Better Than Obamacare? (Audio: Interview)

If Republicans are unable to repeal or somehow bypass Obamacare, conservatives may eventually decide that a single-payer system—such as expanding Medicare to everyone—would be better than the Obamacare status quo. Merrill Matthews talks with WGTK’s Joe Elliott. 

June 26, 2015

Hope for Jeb Bush? (Audio: Interview)

He may be the best of the Bushes and even win the Republican presidential nomination, but Jeb Bush doesn’t excite the conservative base like other candidates. Plus, Matthews explains why fast-track trade authority is a good thing and will allow Congress to give an up or down vote on trade partnerships. 

Total Records: 272