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Health Care

June 25, 2015

Silver Lining? Hope For Those Disappointed in King v Burwell Ruling (Audio: Interview)

While many were disappointed in the Supreme Court’s ruling for King v Burwell, IPI’s Merrill Matthews tells Point of View’s Kerby Anderson that the best solution has always been for Congress to either repeal or bypass Obamacare, rather than have a panel of justices undermine the law. And if the federal subsidies had been struck down, the Republicans did not have a strategy for a King win.  

June 25, 2015

What Now? Takeaways From King v Burwell (Audio: Interview)

IPI's Merrill Matthews joins Wisconsin talk host Vicki McKenna to discuss the aftermath of the Supreme Court's King v Burwell decision, and what political solutions may be available for individuals and states needing relief from Obamacare's onerous mandates. 

June 18, 2015

The Impact of a King Win On Health Care Stocks (Audio: Interview)

Obamacare has been a boon to the health care industry, but a Supreme Court decision favoring King could send health care stocks into a tailspin.

May 19, 2015

Two Things That Hurt: New CAFE Standards and the Obamacare Health Exchanges (Audio: Interview)

There's no sugarcoating how badly many of the state Obamacare exchanges have failed, and the problems are only just beginning, says IPI's Merrill Matthews in this interview with Washington DC radio host Don Kroah. Plus, a new draconian CAFE standard will only mean more high-priced, unsafe cars for US motorists. 

May 15, 2015

No, Mr. President, Health Care Costs Are Declining Because We Are Paying More (Audio: Interview)

The growth in health care spending has slowed down and President Obama wants you to know his health care law gets the credit. Or maybe the blame, because one reason for that slowdown is that you are spending more out of your own pocket, says IPI's Merrill Matthews to WAVA host Don Kroah. 

May 4, 2015

Two-Thirds of Obamacare Recipients Have to Repay Subsidies (Audio: Interview)

If you received help to buy an Obamacare health plan, odds are you had to pay some it back. H&R Block says two-thirds of its customers had to pay back an average of $750. Merrill Matthews discusses how this surprise isn’t the only one coming for many. 

March 12, 2015

Why Healthcare Spending Has Risen Under Obamacare (Audio: Interview)

IPI resident scholar Merrill Matthews, Ph.D. discusses the recent Supreme Court case King vs. Burwell, but also points out two major health care ironies since the implementation of Obamacare: Health care spending has dramatically risen, and high deductible health plans have actually become more of the norm. 

March 9, 2015

King vs Burwell: What's At Stake (Audio: Interview)

In this interview with KMED's Bill Meyer, Merrill Matthews discusses what's at stake depending upon how the Supreme Court rules in King vs Burwell. 

March 9, 2015

ObamaCare's Latest Supreme Court Challenge (Audio: Interview)

In this interview with Salem Media Group national host Janet Mefferd, IPI's Dr. Merrill Matthews says if Obamacare loses its latest Supreme Court challenge, the law could be rendered unworkable in 37 states. 

March 9, 2015

More Americans Will Benefit If Obamacare Loses the Supreme Court Challenge (Audio: Interview)

In King v Burwell, more Americans would be hurt by a King loss, says Merrill Matthews on Washington DC's The Don Kroah Show. 

Total Records: 272