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Health Care

March 5, 2015

Obamacare Has Its Day In Court (Audio: Interview)

In King v Burwell, more Americans would be hurt by a King loss, says Merrill Matthews on Louisville's The Joe Elliott Show. 

February 19, 2015

ObamaCare Faces A New Supreme Court Battle (Audio: Interview)

In this in-studio interview with Salem's Janet Mefferd, Merrill Matthews discusses the upcoming March 4 legal challenge for Obamacare before the Supreme Court, and how it could render the health care law unworkable in a majority of states. 

January 6, 2015

Doctors Face A Huge Medicare Pay Cut In 2015 (Audio: Interview)

Americans will soon be facing a real problem. 45 million seniors in America are on Medicare, and Congress has a spring deadline to act on the so-called “doc fix” or patients will have a very difficult time to get treated. IPI's Merrill Matthews discusses with WGTK's Joe Elliott. 

January 6, 2015

Congress Faces Spring Deadline To Act on Doc-Fix

As the new 114th Congress gets down to work, they’re facing a spring deadline to act on the so-called “doc fix.” Merrill Matthews joins Daybreak USA's John Clemens to discuss how if Congress fails to find a solution, patients will have a very difficult time to get treated.  

January 5, 2015

Doctors Face Stunning Medicare, Medicaid Pay Cut (Audio: Interview)

It's increasingly difficult for Medicare and Medicaid patients to see a doctor, and that may get even worse in 2015. 

December 12, 2014

ObamaCare Enters the Terrible Twos (Audio: Interview)

As ObamaCare enters its second year, Merrill Matthews discusses with WGTK host Joe Elliott what you should expect as more policies are cancelled from ineligibility and the sticker shock of skyrocketing premium and deductible costs. 

December 12, 2014

Temp Agency Nation? (Audio: Interview)

Well, at least one industry is thriving under Obamacare: companies that provide temporary services. While the "part-timing of America" is a problem, the bigger issue is the number of people being pushed into, or stuck in, temporary work, often managed by temp agencies. Merrill Matthews discusses with KMED's Bill Meyer. 

November 20, 2014

“No One Knows Why Obama Thinks He Has The Power To Do This"

Merrill Matthews talks with WFTL's Joyce Kaufman about the president’s amnesty plan, Jonathan Gruber’s inflammatory statements on the “stupidity of the American public”, as well as the president’s threats to veto legislation on the Keystone XL. 

November 6, 2014

Post-Election Obama Presser: "I Was Stunned" (Audio: Interview)

Merrill Matthews discusses policy priorities for the new Republican Senate and whether the president may be amenable to anything on Congress’s agenda. 

November 5, 2014

ObamaCare Working? "The Public Just Doesn’t Believe It"

Republicans triumph at the 2014 polls after campaigning on repealing on Obamacare, so how is it the NY Times recently concluded it’s a success? IPI’s Merrill Matthews gives a post-election analysis with Janet Mefferd and forecasts what the new GOP Congress’s agenda may portend for the failed legislation. 

Total Records: 272