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Health Care

November 4, 2014

While SCOTUS Skirts Obamacare Case, Polls Now Decide

A disappointing move by the Supreme Court on Obamacare subsidies is bad news for efforts to dismantle the program. So what may Tuesday’s polls yield for the program’s future? Has the legislation progressed too far to turn back? Merrill Matthews joins KMED’s Bill Meyer to discuss.


October 17, 2014

Realizing Big Government Cannot Cure Our Ails

The Obama administration’s effort to contain the Ebola crisis has left many Americans more cynical than ever of government. In this podcast, Tom Giovanetti and Merrill Matthews, Ph.D., discuss the administration’s legacy having to defend its agencies against charges and revelations of incompetence and corruption. 

October 14, 2014

Another Bogus Obamacare Promise (Audio: Interview)

Remember when the president said his health care law would stop health insurers from canceling policies? That had already been federal law for more than a decade prior to the passage of Obamacare.

October 6, 2014

Federal Judge Rules Against Obamacare Subsidies (Audio: Interview)

Merrill Matthews weighs in on the latest court ruling against the IRS rules in Obamacare with nationally syndicated talk host Janet Mefferd. 

October 2, 2014

Bloomberg Reports Just How Costly ObamaCare Is (Audio: Interview)

While taxpayers have shelled out $10,000 per insured person under Obamacare, only a relatively small portion of that $73 billion went for actual subsidies. 

October 2, 2014

Taxpayers Shell Out $10,000 Per Person (Audio: Interview)

Health coverage was never so costly until President Obama decided to make it “affordable.” The total cost to taxpayers of Obamacare so far: $73 billion and counting. That means taxpayers have shelled out $10,000 per insured person.

September 30, 2014

SoundByte: Three Cheers for Oklahoma

Obamacare could fall even "sooner."

September 16, 2014

Obamacare’s Guessing Game (Audio: Interview)

Insurance premiums are skyrocketing, but insurers say rates are still kind of a guessing game. Whatever happened to those “death panels” everyone was warned about? And what's the latest on health savings accounts? Merrill Matthews joins Point of View’s Kerby Anderson in-studio to discuss the latest emerging issues regarding Obamacare.

September 12, 2014

Facts Are Stubborn Things (Audio: Interview)

Merrill Matthews joins Washington DC talk host Don Kroah in the WAVA studios to discuss recent headlines on Obamacare, immigration, the minimum wage, and the race for the White House in 2016.  

September 5, 2014

Obama Tries to Govern, Manage Foreign Despots By The Honor System (Audio: Interview)

Don't worry about the rule of law. President Obama will just take your word for it--- "honor-nomics."

Total Records: 272