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April 27, 2016

Road to the White House & Obamacare's Future (Audio: Interview)

Dr. Merrill Matthews joins WAVA’s Don Kroah live in-studio in Washington DC to discuss the presidential candidates’ health care plans, Obamacare’s future, and what to make of Ted Cruz’s VP pick. 

April 18, 2016

Concealed Carry Could Threaten Electoral Status Quo (Audio: Interview)

Could voters with concealed handgun licenses (CHLs) change the political landscape? Dr. Merrill Matthews discusses with WIBA/WISN host Vicki McKenna. 

March 29, 2016

Will It Come Down to California? (Audio: Interview)

Political analyst Michael Barone joins 660 AM - The Answer's Mark Davis Show to discuss his upcoming event with IPI on April 13 and how demographics and voting patterns are impacting the GOP presidential nomination race between Trump and Cruz.  

March 8, 2016

What #NeverTrump Voters May Be Missing (Audio: Interview)

Tom Giovanetti joins the Mark Davis Show on 660 AM-The Answer with guest host Wade Emmert to discuss how the current Republican primary season is seeing a battle for the soul of conservatism. 

March 7, 2016

Why Is Reforming Entitlements "Political Suicide"? (Audio: Interview)

Dr. Merrill Matthews joins WIBA/WISN host Vicki McKenna to discuss how Medicare and the ACA can be reformed successfully in a way that boosts the public’s confidence. 

February 5, 2016

New Hampshire, Tax Proposals & Civil Asset Forfeiture (Audio: Interview)

In an interview with KSKY's Mark Davis on 660 AM - The Answer, IPI president Tom Giovanetti discusses what's at stake for GOP presidential contenders in the upcoming New Hampshire primary, all the candidates' tax plans, and the "mission creep" of civil asset forfeiture abuse that threatens civil rights and the integrity of law enforcement. 

February 1, 2016

As Sanders Soars, the Battle for the Spirit of America

In the battle for Iowa's Democrats, Hillary Clinton isn't doing much better than Bernie Sanders, a socialist.  In a chat with WAEB's Bobby Gunther Walsh, IPI's Merrill Matthews discusses the ideological battle for the United States.

January 7, 2016

Ethanol and the Iowa Caucus (Audio: Interview)

On 660 AM - The Answer's Mark Davis Show, Merrill Matthews discusses the upcoming presidential caucus in Iowa and its policy implications for ethanol subsidies and mandates. 

December 23, 2015

Robert Pratt Reads "Twas the Week Before Christmas: Congress's Festive Omnibus Bill" (Audio: Interview)

Robert Pratt of "Pratt on Texas" reads Dr. Merrill Matthews' clever poetic tribute to Congress's end-of-year omnibus bill. 

December 22, 2015

'Twas the Week Before Christmas Omnibus Poem (Audio: Interview)

Mark Davis, host of 660 AM - The Answer's Mark Davis Show, reads a poem by Dr. Merrill Matthews about Congress' festive omnibus bill, passed one week before Christmas. 

Total Records: 258