  • Freedom
  • Innovation
  • Growth


September 29, 2015

Trump's Tax Plan: Weighing Its Political, Philosophical and Economic Merits (Audio: Interview)

Trump's plan is a dynamo in two of these areas and a failure in the last area.


September 29, 2015

Boehner Resigns: Where There Is No Vision, The People Perish (Audio: Interview)

IPI’s Merrill Matthews speaks with Wisconsin talk host Vicki McKenna about the resignation of House Speaker John Boehner and his legacy. Matthews specifically draws attention to Boehner’s inability to provide a vision to lead a Republican majority in Congress. 

September 29, 2015

What Should the U.S. Do About Climate Change? Three Policy Perspectives

by Robert Bryce, Bob Inglis, Dr. Benjamin Zycher

IPI President Tom Giovanetti moderates the discussion between Robert Bryce of the Manhattan Institute, former Congressman Bob Inglis and AEI's Dr. Benjamin Zycher.

September 28, 2015

Trump’s Tax Plan: Business In the Front, Populism In the Back (Audio: Interview)

IPI’s Merrill Matthews speaks with nationally syndicated Lars Larson on the newly released tax reform plan from GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump.


September 9, 2015

Did Clinton Violate the Espionage Act? (Audio: Interview)

IPI resident scholar Merrill Matthews, Ph.D. talks with Genesis Communications Network national host Mike Siegel about the FBI’s investigation into Hillary Clinton’s email scandal, and whether Mrs. Clinton may have violated the Espionage Act.  



September 7, 2015

What's All The Talk About An Article V Convention? (Audio: Interview)

On the Jim Bohannon Show, IPI resident scholar Dr. Merrill Matthews discusses and answers questions regarding the growing support for an Article V Convention of the States to provide a check on the federal government. 

August 27, 2015

Given Hillary's Numbers, "Very Good Chance" Biden Jumps In

Republicans may view Vice President Joe Biden as at least the lesser of the Democrat evils should he jump into the 2016 presidential race. But will he run?

August 24, 2015

Move Over Hillary? (Audio: Interview)

Dr. Merrill Matthews joins 660 AM-The Answer’s Mark Davis to discuss rumors of a possible Joe Biden jump into the 2016 presidential race -  and why that’s a brilliant prospect.



August 5, 2015

All Eyes on Sen. Chuck Schumer as Iran Deal Vote Closes In (Audio: Interview)

IPI's Merrill Matthews discusses with Jim Henry how as public opinion toward the Iran deal wanes and political ads ramp up, New York's Sen. Chuck Schumer could be the deciding vote. 

July 22, 2015

Will An Iran Deal Cause Jewish Voters To Break with Democrats? (Audio: Interview)

Merrill Matthews joins WINA's Rob Schilling to discuss the history of modern Jewish voting trends and speculates how Jewish voters may break from typical support patterns pending a nuclear deal with Iran. 

Total Records: 258