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July 20, 2015

Could the Iran Deal Make Any Difference For Democrats In 2016? (Audio: Interview)

Could President Obama’s questionable deal with Iran—which Israel strongly opposes—erode Democrats' grip on the Jewish vote? IPI's Merrill Matthews explains with KMED's Bill Meyer. 

July 17, 2015

Will the Iran Deal Hurt Democrats At The Polls? (Audio: Interview)

In this interview with Lars Larson, Dr. Merrill Matthews discusses potential political fall-out for Democrats should the U.S. approve a nuclear deal with Iran. 

June 26, 2015

Hope for Jeb Bush? (Audio: Interview)

He may be the best of the Bushes and even win the Republican presidential nomination, but Jeb Bush doesn’t excite the conservative base like other candidates. Plus, Matthews explains why fast-track trade authority is a good thing and will allow Congress to give an up or down vote on trade partnerships. 

March 17, 2015

SoundByte: Fast Track Trade Authority - Good Policy, Bad Politics for Democrats

Every president wants fast track authority for trade agreements. Unless they’re a Democrat on the campaign trail, says Dr. Merrill Matthews. 

February 4, 2015

Abbott Stance on Local Control Is Correct (Audio: Interview)

Conservatives should not prioritize "local control" over rule of law, warns Tom Giovanetti on 660 AM- The Answer's The Mark Davis Show. 

January 21, 2015

The State of the Union Is Not Strong and Americans Know It (Audio: Interview)

Tom Giovanetti joins 106.3 The Word host Tara Servatius to recap last night’s “waste of time” State of the Union address, pointing out the logical conflicts of Obama’s proposals and how none of the them have the faintest chance of becoming law. 

January 8, 2015

Rules For Overthrowing an Entrenched House Speaker

Tom Giovanetti joins KSKY’s Mark Davis to discuss the Texas House Speaker’s race and efforts to launch a palace coup against Joe Straus. “It’s not enough to just have the right principles; you also have to have the right tactics,” says Giovanetti. “If we want to get rid of Joe Straus, two important lessons should be learned.”

December 9, 2014

Terrorism Insurance Congressional Showdown Threatens Super Bowl (Audio: Interview)

IPI’s Tom Giovanetti explains to Lars Larson that since a post-9/11 economy faces increased risk from terrorism, TRIA reauthorization should be a priority for action before close of Congress. And if the bill expires, events such as the Super Bowl are at risk. 

November 24, 2014

Obama’s Immigration Action Imposes Significant Financial Burden On States

Merrill Matthews joins 660 AM The Answer’s Mark Davis to review President Obama’s immigration amnesty plan and discuss how states will have standing to lead the legal fight against it. 

November 20, 2014

“No One Knows Why Obama Thinks He Has The Power To Do This"

Merrill Matthews talks with WFTL's Joyce Kaufman about the president’s amnesty plan, Jonathan Gruber’s inflammatory statements on the “stupidity of the American public”, as well as the president’s threats to veto legislation on the Keystone XL. 

Total Records: 258