  • Freedom
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  • Growth

Thomas A Giovanetti

July 8, 2005

Google seems intent on elbowing into other people's content

Very interesting article in the Wall Street Journal yesterday on how Google's efforts to move into video search efforts are stepping on the toes of those who actually own the content, like Major Le ...
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July 6, 2005

EU rejects software patent directive

The European Parliament has, unwisely, rejected the software patent directive ("Computer-Implemented Inventions directive") by a huge margin. Here's a link to a story. Here's a link to a story ...
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July 6, 2005

If you're really big on international declarations and agreements . . .

Some of our IP-skeptic friends are really big on international agreements, declarations, and treaties. In my cynical view, the IP-skeptic community has decided that they can't get what they wan ...
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June 27, 2005

The open question about the Grokster decision

I should note, for the record, that a remaining concern about the Grokster decision is whether the decision creates a secondary liability doctrine. Having not yet read the decision, I'll get to is ...
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June 27, 2005

IPI's press release on the Grokster decision

IPI welcomes this morning's unanimous decision by the Supreme Court in MGM vs. Grokster, holding that companies can be held liable for the distribution of products or services clearly intended to ...
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June 27, 2005

Free Culture's track record in the Supreme Court

Anybody want to consider the Free Culture movement's track record of success with the Supreme Court? Eldred, anyone? Grokster? ...
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June 27, 2005

It may not be IP, but it's P

My friend Dr. Richard Epstein has a devastating piece in criticism of the Kelo decision in today's WSJ. Epstein calls the decision "truly horrible", "shameful", "regrettable", "scandalous and c ...
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June 27, 2005

File-sharing companies, ala Grokster, can be held liable

After the Kelo decision, I despaired of anything approaching sound decision-making from the Supreme Court, but apparently they got it right on Grokster. "We hold that one who distributes a devi ...
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June 25, 2005

In case you think I'm exaggerating when I say they're trying to fundamentally change WIPO

In case you think I'm exaggering when I say that the forces behind the "development agenda" for WIPO are trying to fundamentally change the organization's mission, are on a utopian crusade, think I ...
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June 22, 2005

Second intervention delivered by the Institute for Policy Innovation (IPI) at WIPO's IIM/2 on a proposed development agenda

The following is the text of an intervention (the second) delivered by the Institute for Policy Innovation (IPI) to the WIPO IIM/2 on a proposed development agenda: Thank you, Mr. Chairman. ...
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June 21, 2005

India delegation to WIPO seems out-of-touch with the reality on the ground in India

According to a story in today's Financial Times, India is planning an aggressive expansion into biotech in the next five years. India's science minister recognizes that this will require substa ...
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June 20, 2005

IPI's first intervention at WIPO's IIM/2

The following is the text of an intervention delivered by the Institute for Policy Innovation (IPI) to the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) on Monday, June 20, during WIPO's second in ...
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June 20, 2005

Canada believes IP protection is very important

. . . so said their delegate to WIPO a little while ago. I guess he means patent IP, not copyright IP. Else why would official Canada law be that it's okay for Canadians to download copyright ma ...
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June 20, 2005

Getting under the thin skin of the anti-IP crowd

One of the first problems I identified when getting involved with WIPO is that all these IP-skeptic groups (TransAtlantic Consumer Dialogue, Third World Network, Union for the Public Domain, IP Jus ...
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June 20, 2005

China dragging on IP protection, discussed at Dallas-area conference

At a conference held near Dallas last week, China's need to do more to protect IP was discussed. Interestingly, the story reminds us that China invalidated the patent on Viagra. Viagra has been ...
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Total Records: 224