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Thomas A Giovanetti

June 20, 2005

Brazil attempts to take over the agenda

Brazil and their supporters (Friends of Development) have submitted a proposed agenda to the Chairman. It is a surprisingly blatant attempt (to me, anyway) to completely dictate the agenda of the m ...
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June 20, 2005

New UK proposal seeks to restrict development discussions to the permanent committee

One of the ironies of this entire development agenda debate at WIPO has been that there is ALREADY a permanent committee at WIPO tasked with considering the role of IP in development, the Permanent ...
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June 20, 2005

A new proposal by Bahrain

First observation from the 2nd of WIPO's meetings on the development agenda (henceforth often referred to as IIM/2, in WIPO's nomenclature), is a proposal from Bahrain, which has been supported by ...
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June 19, 2005

We'll be in the room at WIPO

Beginning Monday morning, we'll be in the room at the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO). We'll be blogging live on developments, not only what's going on in the room, but also what's ...
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June 10, 2005

Weakness of Wiki

Travelling on business today, but just wanted to draw attention to an excellent posting on the weakness and insufficiency of the wiki model for disseminating information. This is something I'v ...
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June 8, 2005

In case you didn't agree with my characterization of the WIPO on-line discussion forum . . .

In case you didn't agree with my earlier posting about the probable uselessness of the WIPO on-line discussion forum on IP, here's a little nugget I noticed this afternoon after a little browsing: ...
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June 7, 2005

Loonies on parade in Australia

Apparently it's a holiday release for the loony bins in Australia. That's the only conclusion I can reach after seeing this article in the Sidney Morning Herald. Either that, or apparently anyb ...
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June 7, 2005

Piracy on China's "Silk Street"

There's an excellent article on China's piracy of IP goods in the June 13th issue of Time. ...
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June 6, 2005

Live blogging from WIPO's Development Agenda meetings June 20-22.

Speaking of WIPO, I'll be attending WIPO's Development Agenda meetings June 20-22 in Geneva, and blogging live from the meetings. It's been fun blogging live from WIPO the last two times I've go ...
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June 6, 2005

WIPO's on-line discussion forum on IP in the Information Society

WIPO is sponsoring an on-line discussion forum on IP. Here's the link. I honestly don't know why they're doing it--or rather, I don't know why they're doing it THE WAY they're doing it. It's ...
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June 6, 2005

Brazil moves toward busting patents

While I was gone on vacation, Brazil's lower house took a major step toward busting pharmaceutical patents, as they have been threatening for some time. Here's the story. Now, apparently, it m ...
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May 19, 2005

Pirates of Star Wars

As should have been expected by now, thieves are making the new Star Wars movie available on-line. Here's an article quoting MPAA President Dan Glickman. And here's a link to the ABC News ...
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May 18, 2005

Why I'm an IP kinda guy

I thought it might be interesting to demonstrate at least part of why I (and IPI) care about IP. There has been at least an implicit and perhaps explicit accusation that the only reason I or any ...
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May 14, 2005

Counterfeiting is out of control

Here's an article from Friday's International Herald Tribune on the enormous scale of the counterfeiting problem. ...
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May 12, 2005

U.S. consumers hurt by foreign price controls

Here's an article by Richard Rahn on how price controls in other nations are the root cause of their lack of access to drugs, and why reimportation in the U.S. is such a bad idea. ...
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Total Records: 224