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Thomas A Giovanetti

May 12, 2005

Good column on CAFTA in Washington Times

This is a better-than-average defense of CAFTA, and a rebuttal to the outrageous column I mentioned yesterday. ...
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May 12, 2005

Outrageous column in SJ Mercury News

The San Jose Mercury News published an outrageous op/ed trotting out once again the leftist conspiratorial view on trade harmonization legislation, this time CAFTA. We'll definitely be submitting ...
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May 12, 2005

WSJ says Russia is world's biggest exporter of pirated music products

According to the Wall Street Journal today, Russia is the world's largest exporter of pirated music products, and the pirates are being protected through cozy relationships with corrupt politicians ...
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May 11, 2005

Microsoft and Sun?

Jim DeLong has a note about Sun perhaps getting cozier with Microsoft. I toured the Sun facilities about 4 years ago, and saw a very compelling display of their thin client, server-driven envir ...
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May 11, 2005

Thanks to Jacob for the plug

Thanks to my friend (and sometime IPI author) Jacob Arfwedson in Paris who paid complements to on CNE's intellectual property blog. ...
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May 9, 2005

Pirates of Brazil, etc.

Article in today's Washington Times on Brazil, piracy, and whether the U.S. should be making nice or cracking down on Brazil for significant trade violations--especially IP. A couple of comment ...
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May 9, 2005

Blame corruption, taxes, unions and regulations--not IP

An interesting article in today's Wall Street Journal illustrates some of the real barriers that poor nations throw in the way of their domestic inventors and entrepreneurs It's on page A20 in ...
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May 6, 2005

Some pictures from the WIPO Int'l Seminar on IP and Development

For those who may be interested, here are some photos from the WIPO Int'l Seminar on IP and Development. First, this is the rear of the main auditorium, showing the translators' offices, where t ...
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May 6, 2005

Pakistan is getting with the program on piracy

Pakistan is getting with the program on piracy, according to this story from India's Zee News. ...
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May 6, 2005

Interesting article describing the GPL-infection problem

Here's an interesting article describing the GPL-infection problem. You have to read down into the body of the article to get to the good stuff. Note that a deal with IBM (ahem) fell through whe ...
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May 6, 2005

Good article on piracy in the Malaysia Star.

Good article on piracy in the Malaysia Star. An excerpt: Piracy is pulling the plug on a potentially lucrative local software industry. Aspiring software companies fight a losing battle wh ...
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May 6, 2005

FCC's Broadcast flag rules thrown out

Here's the story by Declan. I support the broadcast flag requirement, but this decision gets it right, it seems to me. I always thought legislation was the appropriate place for a requirement s ...
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May 6, 2005

Let's see your open source tee shirts

In a discussion thread on this blog, I challenged a critic to try to live an IP-free life for some brief period of time. My point is the obvious hypocrisy of those who claim that all sorts of wonde ...
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May 5, 2005

USTR has released list of baddies on IP

The office of the USTR has released this year's "Special 301" report, which reviews the protection of IP in 90 countries. The report is best known for its categorization of countries specially targ ...
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May 5, 2005

WIPO has released draft report from IIM/1

WIPO has released the draft report from the first meeting of the April Inter-Sessional Intergovernmental Meeting on a Development Agenda for WIPO. IPI's intervention is summarized on pages 92-9 ...
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Total Records: 224