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Thomas A Giovanetti

May 5, 2005

More from Martin Khor

Some have asked about Martin Khor's report from day 1 of the WIPO seminar in IP and development. Here's a link to Martin's "summary." It is similiarly grossly biased and misleading to his repo ...
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May 5, 2005

Catania's Bad Idea Moves Forward

The Washington Post reports that the D.C. price control and compulsory licensing bill has taken a step forward in the D.C. government. Though the Post makes it sound like it passed, my understan ...
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May 5, 2005

Brazil Spurns $40 million U.S. Funding for AIDS

The (U.K.) Guardian reports that Brazil has turned down an offer of $40 million from the U.S. towards AIDS programs. The reason? Because Brazil refuses to agree to a declaration condemning . . ...
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May 4, 2005

Here's a Gem by Martin Khor

Here's another guy you gotta love. Martin Khor is with the Third World Network, another of these anti-capitalist, anti-corporate groups. He's a fanatical opponent of intellectual property. ...
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May 4, 2005

More examples of Jamie Love's Exaggerations about H.R. 417

Here's another example of how Jamie Love "leverages chatter"--takes something meaningless and unimportant, and then exaggerates it until you'd think it's a major global trend. Here's a link to ...
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May 4, 2005

Ya Gotta Love This Guy

At this week's Int'l Seminar on Intellectual Property and Development, Jamie Love once again trumpeted H.R. 417, a novelty bill with no co-sponsors and no corresponding bill in the Senate. I covered ...
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May 4, 2005

Catania's Bad Idea in DC

I thought intellectual property wasn't "real" property? At least that's what opponents of intellectual property have always said. But now, apparently, those who attack intellectual property ar ...
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May 4, 2005

Interesting story on privacy risks of file-sharing

I'm just now watching a story on the CBS Evening News (from Geneva) on the privacy risks of file-sharing software. The blame is on the users of the software, who allow the software access to thin ...
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May 4, 2005

Shallow, scattered comments on Geneva

Some shallow, scattered comments on Geneva just a few hours before I head to the airport: The President Wilson hotel is superior to the Hilton Noga hotel, for slightly less money. Amazing servic ...
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May 3, 2005

Jamie Love's weak grasp on the facts

I've been watching Jamie Love of CPTech long enough now to have a feel for his technique. And it's fascinating. Jamie's technique is to redefine terms, make unsustainable assertions, leverage c ...
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May 3, 2005

Overall impression of the WIPO Int'l Seminar

Well, things are winding to a close. I have several more postings that are still in draft version, but it's not too soon to make the obvious conclusion about the seminar: 1. Copyright got a fai ...
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May 3, 2005

The Ideological War Over Intellectual Property

Mark Schultz has an interesting piece on what is happening at WIPO. What Mark does not go into is how WIPO actually works. The fact is that we have nothing to fear from WIPO itself. WIPO's mand ...
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May 3, 2005

Busybodies vs. Creators

One other interesting observation I've made as the 2-day seminar at WIPO is drawing to a close: Most of those who have spoken sceptically about IP would fall into the category of "busybodies"--peopl ...
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May 2, 2005

A property right is control, not use

We are all accustomed to hearing from the IP sceptics that "IP isn't like real property." The argument is that, unlike real property, when you access a piece of intellectual property, you do not de ...
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May 2, 2005

Legal monopoly is not necessarily a market monopoly

On the Competition Policy panel, Peter Plompen of Philips made an important point in his presentation: a legal monopoly is not per se a market monopoly. This is a point that proponents of IP need t ...
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